• Infinite scroll works fine on my site with Weaver 1.3.8 free, its scrolls to infinity and beyond on the default blog page without the load more posts prompt.

    However, the only problem is that when I click browser back button from another page to return to the default blog page it doesn’t return to the same position I left from, it alwanys returns to the first position of the infinite scroll, ie: If my settings are to show three posts before scrolling, if I scroll down to ten posts then click out and click back, it will return to the third post every time.

    The settings page has the following already filled in except the Callback field.

    Content Selector: #content (Div containing your theme’s content)
    Navigation Selector: #nav-below (Div containing your theme’s navigation)
    Next Selector: #nav-below a:first (Link to next page of content)
    Item Selector: .post (Div containing an individual post)
    Callback: ??? (Code that is called after each new page is loaded)

    I’m hoping that its just a case of entering the callback code but I have no idea what I’m looking for in this code, please help.


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  • that is a valid point here ..

    After clicking out, I was sent to 3 ajax-loaded “pages” ahead of where I clicked (/page/7/ instead of /page/4/). This is an issue, it should either bring me back to the post I clicked, or to the top of the page.

    Without clicking out, when I use “back” after scrolling, it cycles through the pagination urls, but they get rewritten, I think because my position is far enough down the page to trigger another infinite scroll request for more posts. So, like this:

    mydomain.com/ (scrolling)
    mydomain.com/page/2/ (scrolling)
    mydomain.com/page/3/ (scrolling)
    mydomain.com/page/3/ but then immediately loads & rewrites:
    mydomain.com/page/2/ but then immediately loads & rewrites:

    This second issue should also be avoided, at least pausing new loads until additional scroll or w/e.

    Fixing both would be excellent for overall user experience, folks use the back button!

    I agree I’d love this, although a lot of sites that use infinite scroll seem to have this problem (Facebook for one).

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