• Resolved Marion BRESSAC


    I use DIVI so I added the specific plugging Give for Divi and the original Give plugging. Pages like Donation Confirmation or Donator wall works but i not able to add a donation form !

    The donation page shows preloader for short time then turn into a blank page.
    PHP version is 8.0.1 and Error Reporting is enabled in PHP.INI but I don’t see any error.

    Please advice.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Rick Alday


    Hi @marionbressac,

    We’ve had some issues with the latest version of Divi and the “GiveWP Donation Modules for Divi” plugin.

    My suggestion is to deactivate the “GiveWP Donation Modules for Divi” plugin and use the built-in GiveWP shortcodes instead.

    Let me know if that helps.

    Thread Starter Marion BRESSAC


    Hi !

    Thanks for helping !

    I am afraid that is absolutly the same issue without the “GiveWP Donation Modules for Divi” plugin.

    I put my built-in GiveWP shortcodes and the same happen.

    Plugin Support Rick Alday


    Thanks for the update. Can you tell me which shortcodes you are using and post a link to the page in question? The link you posted in your original message leads to a page without any content, just a background image.

    Thread Starter Marion BRESSAC


    Yes, sorry the site is in maintenance mode. I made it works : https://climasana.org/?page_id=88 and short code is [give_form id=”156″]

    Plugin Support Rick Alday


    Thanks. I believe your permalink settings are breaking the form’s iframe URL.
    Go to Settings -> Permalinks, and select any other permalink structure that’s not the default.

    Then try to load your page again. (The URL of the page will also change).

    Thread Starter Marion BRESSAC


    Oh wow, I want to change it later for my SEO but I have no idea that it can break something. It’s working perfectly now ! Thank you so much for your help and reactivity !

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