• Resolved JoeGP


    The first (normal) backup failed with a “PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT” error, which others have also gotten, so i made a backup the alternate way as suggested by a dev, that worked.
    I used that backup to migrate the new site over to the original domain, it said the restore was successful, but the site isn’t loading, it says “…. is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500”.
    Good thing i have cpanel access so i can install wordpress fresh and try again with a different plugin, otherwise i would be in big trouble.
    Otherwise the process was quick and easy and i don’t know if any of this is the plugins fault, but if a try a different one and that works then there can only be one conclusion i can make.

Viewing 10 replies - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
  • Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @joegp

    If any issues come up, we’re really happy to fix them for you in the support forum (for free). A devastating rating like this can really hurt our plugin’s ranking.

    I can see you also posted your question on https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/backup-failes-can-you-help-me-please-with-this/, however hardly gave us any time to respond to your issue. In those cases please open a new support thread, and give us at least a bit of time to answer.

    However, as you raised it here now, let us respond here.

    The issue you’re facing isn’t a problem in our plugin, it’s most likely an issue of different plugin that does not work with your final website (WP Version, PHP Version, Missing PHP Modules, Disable PHP Functions).

    If you would contact us via live chat (always active on https://backupbliss.com) or open new topic on forum we could provide you guided help how to find cause of the issue and how to fix that as well. In your case we would guide you how to display proper error log or find it in the error log file. Then show you how to disable the plugin that causes the issue using available tools as you said, cPanel in your case (which includes File Manager).

    Note: You can also always simulate the migration first on https://tastewp.com (which we highly recommend and it’s free).

    Plugin Author Nick


    @joegp Could you please respond? It’s important.

    Plugin Author Nick


    @fierevere For reviews like this, where:

    – The reviewer didn’t ask us in the support forum (or didn’t give us enough time to respond)
    – The issue is most likely not an issue with our plugin
    – Our response and efforts to help (for free) just get ignored
    – The reviewer also leaves 1-star reviews on similar plugins (see his history) in quick succession

    …can something be done? We perceive it as disrespectful, and it creates a bad atmosphere here on WordPress.

    Moderator Yui



    @joegp It is more like troubleshooting/support request. So i have moved this to plugin support section.

    1. Dont ping non-participants of this topic, this is not welcome on WordPress forums and can get you in trouble.

    2. Related to handling reviews:

    We have some recommendations for how you can handle this at https://make.www.ads-software.com/support/2016/08/about-plugin-and-theme-reviews/

    Please also read through https://make.www.ads-software.com/plugins/2019/08/23/reminder-developers-must-comply-with-the-forum-guidelines/

    And a video, if you like: https://wordpress.tv/2016/06/30/mika-epstein-reviews-the-good-the-bad-and-the-stalker/

    If you would like to discuss this further, please join us in the #forums channel on Slack: https://make.www.ads-software.com/chat/

    Plugin Author Nick


    @fierevere Thank you, I’ll address questions like this in the slack channel from now on.

    Thread Starter JoeGP


    OK, i’m here, relax.

    I left two 1 star reviews in quick succession because 2 plugins failed to work in quick succession, i have also left plenty of good reviews, if you are that keen on checking out my history.

    The other plugin i left a 1 star review for was the migration plugin i replaced WP Clone with, so i worked with that for at least 10 websites and it worked fine, up until a few months ago when it got a major update, there were many support topics started with the exact same issue i was having with it and it hasn’t been fixed in months.
    If i wasn’t gonna leave a 1 star reviews others definitely would.

    My job is creating wordpress websites, so i don’t have the luxury to wait for support devs advice, half the time i never even get one anyway.

    You says it’s not an issue with your plugin, but when another migration plugin works and yours doesn’t, then (like i said before) there is only 1 conclusion i can make.
    The simple fact is your plugin has an issue with another one, or with my servers php version and settings, well other plugins don’t.

    Also i got to your plugin by installing WP Clone, which said this was a newer/improved version of that so i installed it. I used WP Clone for years, and for years it had a bug where any % symbol in posts/pages content was replaced by a long series of characters and numbers. I started a support topic on that, but the issue was never fixed as far as i know.
    So, sorry for not waiting for a response, but judging from your track record asking for help is pointless (that’s presuming you are the same devs as for WP clone).

    Also how is that not a valid review ? i tried it, it didn’t work, i tried fixes and it still failed, this was my user experience and i shared it.

    Am i obligated under some law to first contact support before posting a review?
    I’m sure you would prefer useless 5 star reviews, saying “it’s great”, but that’s not reality.

    Thread Starter JoeGP


    @fierevere that was definitely not a support topic/request, i was just sharing my experience with the plugin in detail, next time i can just say “it doesn’t work” if you prefer.

    From one of the first links you sent to the dev:

    The reviews have always been about someone’s experience with a plugin or theme. As long as it comes back to their experience and is related to the plugin or theme then their commentary is fair game.

    So i’d like my valid review reinstated, and i’m kinda pissed it was removed for no real reason.

    I’m cloning another website right now, so i’ll give the plugin another chance and i’ll even start a support topic when it fails, but i have a Thursday deadline so i have to clone over the website template i made and start work on it asap, i have no time to wait for the devs.

    Thread Starter JoeGP


    OK, so like i promised i used this plugin to clone another website and in the end it worked, so now it’s a 3 star plugin.

    3 star because this didn’t go smoothly this time either, the backup was flawless other than it guessing the backup was gonna be 94MB but ended up 32MB, a minor detail.

    But the restoration wasn’t smooth, first it said it can’t download the backup because of a server configuration, whatever that means, so i uploaded the backup myself and then it seemed to work, i mean i got no errors and it said the restoration was successful, so i went to Pages to see if it did and it only the standard pages (privacy and sample) were there.

    So i wrote a support topic but while writing that i got signed out of the new site and when i logged back in all the new pages and stuff was there, so it actually did work, it just didn’t immediately sign me out like other cloning plugins do.

    Here is the restoration log in case you need it:

    [STEP] [2021-09-07 21:10:16] Looking for PHP CLI executable file.
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:16] PHP CLI Filename: php
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:16] PHP CLI Version: 7.4.23 (cli)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:16] PHP CLI Memory limit: 512M/512M
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:16] PHP CLI Execution limit: 0/0
    [SUCCESS] [2021-09-07 21:10:16] We properly detected PHP CLI executable file.
    [SUCCESS] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Backup via PHP CLI initialized successfully.
    [STEP] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Initializing backup...
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Backup & Migration version: 1.1.3
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Site which will be backed up: ***site_url***
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] PHP Version: 7.4.23
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Web server: Not available
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Checking if backup dir is writable...
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Initializing custom error handler
    [SUCCESS] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Yup it is writable...
    [STEP] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Scanning files...
    [STEP] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Checking free space, reserving...
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Requires at least 119000469 bytes. [113.49 MB]
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Disk free space function is not disabled - using...
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Checking this path/partition: /home/abeffortlesssi/public_html/modern/wp-content/backup-migration-AlUrJBySjk/backups
    [SUCCESS] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] There is 1,291,652.88 MB free. [1.23 TB]
    [SUCCESS] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Great! We have enough space.
    [SUCCESS] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Confirmed, there is more than enough space, checked: 119000469 bytes
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Scanning done - found 5501 files...
    [SUCCESS] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Backup initialized...
    [STEP] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Initializing archiving system...
    [SUCCESS] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Archive system initialized...
    [STEP] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Preparing map of files...
    [SUCCESS] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Files prepared.
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Starting compression process...
    [STEP] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Smart memory calculation...
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] There is 512 MBs of memory to use
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] WordPress memory limit: 512 MBs
    [SUCCESS] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Setting the safe limit to 115 MB
    [STEP] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Making database backup (using V2 engine, requires at least v1.1.0 to restore)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Iterating database...
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Memory usage after initialization: 36.676345825195 MB
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Scan found 28 tables (4836 rows), estimated total size: 16.23 MB.
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Memory usage after getting table names: 36.69017791748 MB 
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Getting table recipes...
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Table recipes have been exported.
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Memory usage after loading recipes: 36.712455749512 MB 
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Saving recipes...
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Recipes saved.
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 36.695518493652 MB
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Exporting table data...
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Getting data of table: wpct_actionscheduler_actions (0.04 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Table: wpct_actionscheduler_actions cloned, operation took: 0.00526 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Getting data of table: wpct_actionscheduler_claims (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Table: wpct_actionscheduler_claims cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Getting data of table: wpct_actionscheduler_groups (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Table: wpct_actionscheduler_groups cloned, operation took: 0.00036 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Getting data of table: wpct_actionscheduler_logs (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Table: wpct_actionscheduler_logs cloned, operation took: 0.00549 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Getting data of table: wpct_commentmeta (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Table: wpct_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00010 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Getting data of table: wpct_comments (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Table: wpct_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00038 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Getting data of table: wpct_itsec_bans (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Table: wpct_itsec_bans cloned, operation took: 0.00669 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Getting data of table: wpct_itsec_dashboard_events (0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Table: wpct_itsec_dashboard_events cloned, operation took: 0.05497 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Getting data of table: wpct_itsec_distributed_storage (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Table: wpct_itsec_distributed_storage cloned, operation took: 0.00036 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Getting data of table: wpct_itsec_fingerprints (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Table: wpct_itsec_fingerprints cloned, operation took: 0.00032 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Getting data of table: wpct_itsec_geolocation_cache (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Table: wpct_itsec_geolocation_cache cloned, operation took: 0.00031 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Getting data of table: wpct_itsec_lockouts (5.56 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Table: wpct_itsec_lockouts cloned, operation took: 0.04049 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:17] Getting data of table: wpct_itsec_logs (5.30 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_itsec_logs cloned, operation took: 1.36098 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_itsec_mutexes (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_itsec_mutexes cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_itsec_opaque_tokens (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_itsec_opaque_tokens cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_itsec_temp (1.14 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_itsec_temp cloned, operation took: 0.00968 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_itsec_user_groups (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_itsec_user_groups cloned, operation took: 0.00074 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_links (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_links cloned, operation took: 0.00011 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_options (2.81 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_options cloned, operation took: 0.03892 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_postmeta (1.12 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_postmeta cloned, operation took: 0.01785 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_posts (0.11 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_posts cloned, operation took: 0.00834 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_term_relationships (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_term_taxonomy (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.01311 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_termmeta (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00028 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_terms (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_terms cloned, operation took: 0.00029 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_usermeta (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_usermeta cloned, operation took: 0.00069 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_users (0.01 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_users cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Getting data of table: wpct_wpforms_tasks_meta (0.00 MB)
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table: wpct_wpforms_tasks_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00041 ms
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Table data exported.
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Memory usage after data export: 36.678817749023 MB
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Entire process took: 1.5824 s
    [SUCCESS] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Database backup finished
    [STEP] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Making archive
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Compressing...
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Using PclZip module to create the backup
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Legacy setting: Using default modules depending on user server
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Backup is running under PHP CLI environment.
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:18] Chunks contain 500 files.
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:19] Milestone: 500/5501
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:19] Milestone: 1000/5501
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:19] Milestone: 1500/5501
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:21] Milestone: 2000/5501
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:22] Milestone: 2500/5501
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:23] Milestone: 3000/5501
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:23] Milestone: 3500/5501
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:24] Milestone: 4000/5501
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:24] Milestone: 4500/5501
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:25] Milestone: 5000/5501
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:28] Milestone: 5500/5501
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:29] Milestone: 5501/5501
    [SUCCESS] [2021-09-07 21:10:29] Compressed 5501 files
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:29] Archiving of 5501 files took: 12.479280948639s
    [STEP] [2021-09-07 21:10:29] Finalizing backup
    [INFO] [2021-09-07 21:10:29] Adding manifest...
    [STEP] [2021-09-07 21:10:29] Closing files and archives
    [END-CODE] [2021-09-07 21:10:29] #001

    Look, i’m not a hater, i actually like the plugin, it’s fast, easy and looks good, but your support forum for the past 3 weeks is full of topics saying it’s not working, there is no denying that and it didn’t work for me either the first time, the only differences between the 2 sites was that it was using PHP 7.2 and it had 1-2 more plugins (popular ones), i can get you a list if you want.

    Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @joegp

    Thank you very much for your detailed feedback ??

    (Sorry for our late reply, we didn’t get a notification for your responses for some reason)

    My apologies if you feel like we ignored you but actually most of the topics were solved successfully, we prepared our plugin settings for quickest support.

    Even for your case above, we have an alternative download method when your server configuration can’t handle the backup download (e.g. due to download limit or so). It’s located under “Other options” section as well.

    We both work with WordPress and as you know feedback is very important part of our work, without this we wouldn’t be able to improve products that we offer (even if it’s a site).

    I appreciate that you gave the plugin another try, for the part where I mentioned plugin conflict it was my first guess but without the logs I can’t tell precisely what was the cause of the issue.

    I’m happy that it worked now for you in full. If you come across other hick-ups, please open a new support thread, we’ll aim to respond quickly, and for free.

    Thread Starter JoeGP


    @iclyde it’s hard to get a log when the message says the process was successful, or at least i couldn’t find a way to get them.
    The backup was 30MB, i highly doubt there was a download limit that could affect that.
    Our servers upload limit is at least 128MB if not 256MB, and i raised the download limit to 512MB before cloning.
    Next time i use your plugin i’ll grab the logs even if it says it succeeded.

Viewing 10 replies - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
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