ahhhh so… let me take a look at the code again and see if I think I can finagle it to work with posts?
Thanks for letting me know! It was driving me so nuts I went as far as installing InstantWordPress and UNNT on a thumb drive to test it and arrived here / saw your last post!
(I needed to get a local copy of WP in a local installation anyway – I’ve gotten myself into trouble more than once “experimenting” on my production site.
If I get anywhere modifying UNNT I’ll let you know. BTW I made a feature request on the WordPress SEO Plugin page / support area saying I think UNNT is a great idea and asking Yoast to incorporate it. How far that will get is anybody’s guess…
I did spend some time searching for UNNT alternatives and I am familiar with Easy NoIndex / NoFollow – its features are already built into WordPress SEO (WPSEO); WPSEO partly evolved out of Yoast’s own RobotsMeta Plugin and that now also un-maintained (altho it still seems to work…) plugin has the individual post / page / archives features that were carried over into WPSEO. In WPSEO there is an “advanced” area of its configuration area that is on each post / page and global settings for archives / tags / categories and other content where various meta data can be set.
My interest in UNNT grew out of the fact that I have a list of posts / pages that I had compiled when I was using Similar Posts Plugin, wherby one can exclude specific posts using post / page id’s. I was excluding posts there as well as marking them noindex / follow in WPSEO till I had a problem with my site and accidentally deleted all the WPSEO options in the db ?? and I *really* dont want to go back and manually re-set all those posts in WPSEO.
Well thanks again and I will let you know if I get anywhere further with UNNT.