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  • Plugin Contributor Diana


    @pulidomate thank you for your keen observation and feedback!

    I was able to troubleshoot on our demo site and found the same issue! We’ll be working on fixing this bug this week! Stay tune for our next update.

    Thank so much for bringing it to our attention.



    Thread Starter pulidomate


    Perfect! Thanks to you!

    I have users who cannot log in, they receive an error message stating they are already logged in from another browser. Is this the same sort of error or something else. I am currently running 3.9.

    Thank you,

    Plugin Author Zane Matthew


    Hi Karen,

    That wouldn’t be a message generated from the plugin. Can you provide a screenshot of the message?

    You have been logged out because another user has logged into this account from another browser.

    The exact error message is above. I do not have a screen shot. I changed the password for the one user that was having the issue and she was finally able to log into the site. I have two other members experiencing the same issue.
    I am using EStore and EMember.

    One member mentioned that their PW was saved in his keychain and then stopped working. In affect it seems to be related to passwords. Just wish I could pin it down. Very frustrating and time consuming. I will see if any of the members can capture a screen shot of the error for you.

    I was also wondering about a debug? Should I run one, and if so, is this function located on the Admin panel?

    Kind regard,

    Plugin Author Zane Matthew


    Hi Karen,

    The other users issue is with the redirect URL not working as expected you issue how ever seems that either the user shared their account information, or two users registered with the same username, which shouldn’t be possible as wp_create_user handles checking if the username already exists.

    Can you let us know if the users having the issues are using Facebook to login? or the non-Facebook login? and if this is a Networking installation.

    The function isn’t located in the Admin panel, but you can check your server error logs.

    With EMember I have it set to

    1. Automatically Create WordPress User
    2. Automatically Log into WordPress
    3. Automatically Log into eMember
    4. Preserve WordPress User Role.

    When I removed the Automatically Log Into WordPress the member was able to log in. Why is it important that I have them create a WordPress User and Log into WordPress option?

    Members are paying for a subscription that allows them to view a new tutorial monthly.

    Thank you ,

    Thread Starter pulidomate


    Have you been able to solve this issue? I have 1.0.6 but the problem persist ??

    Plugin Author Zane Matthew



    This does seem to happen in very rare cases. I’ve been tracking it down and think I might have found it. I’m currently working on a fix for it.

    I am having the same issue. Firefox, Safari, Chrome redirects to same page. I haven’t tried other browsers.

    Where are we at on the fix? I have everything setup for my client, but I need them to be able to click same button to logout.

    Plugin Author Zane Matthew


    Hi karagamber,

    The issue is fixed in the latest version (1.0.7). Can ou update and let us know if you still have the issue?

    Thread Starter pulidomate


    I updated to 1.0.7 but still doesn’t work ??

    Plugin Author Zane Matthew



    Can you post a link to your site?

    Thread Starter pulidomate


    I have sent you an email with the link and the credentials

    Plugin Author Zane Matthew


    Hi pulidomate,

    I think I see the issue your referring to. Once the user is logged in two things happen that shouldn’t.

    1. The login link should not redirect to the link, rather it should show the logout text
    2. Launch the dialog with the option to logout.

    If thats the issue, here’s the fix.

    In your site, you added the class name to the a tag, like <a href="" class="login-class-name">Login</a>.

    We’ve implemented our code to be compatible with WordPress’ menus, so the class name should be wrapped around the a tag like so:

    <div class="login-class-name"><a href="">Login</a></div>

    Let me know if that helps.

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