hi @rur165
I made some more test.. if we create a bundled product with…
=> Global admin commission is set to $1.40
Bundle product price $20
– Product A (Admin commission $1.40)
– Product B (Admin commission $1.40)
– Product C (Admin commission $1.40)
Now, in the product listing, the price is $20 and the earning $18.60.. which is actually wrong.. because its not possible to add a specific admin commission for that bundled product. But after a purchase from a customer.. the orders tables shows a order total of $20 (which is right) and a earning of $15.80 (which is also right).
Also after the order is completed, the earning is calculated correctly to the vendor balance.
It seems that is is actually working.. only some minor issues.. maybe this is a short fix.
Question is: What should count.. the product specific admin commission from each product in the bundle or the product bundle specific admin commission. Both is not possible. I guess this is the main question. I would say that the product bundle admin commission should count, but then we have the case, that product are sold which have different admin commission when they sold alone and not in a bundle..
Hmm… this is interesting ??
The earning is not 100% correct. Becasue the product bundle product itself also counts as a product and take the global admin commission when there is one. BUT we can solve this when we assign the bundle product a category like “Bundle” an set the admin commission there to 0. Then only the product which are in the bundle admin commission will count.
So it is now 100% compatible. But this is a very nice WooCommerce feature and very hight rated plugin. Is this a complex thing to make it compatible with dokan?
Or is there a other way to build this?
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