Hi @shemakeswebsites,
Here’s a bit of backstory so that you can understand how to safely update and confirm that this issue is fixed:
The cause of this issue is that WordPress itself does not have any sort of “dependency management” which would allow third-party plugin and theme authors to mitigate these sorts of conflicts. So when two plugins call different versions of the Stripe SDK (Software Development Kit) it can cause a fatal error that brings the site down.
We have no way of knowing how all other plugins and themes integrating with Stripe go about that. In version 2.5.0 of GiveWP, we rolled to a new version of the SDK, and it broke when used alongside other plugins still using the old SDK called in the same way.
In version 2.5.4, we changed _how_ those dependencies are called, and added two options for methods of calling the SDK. In our testing, it resolves the issue for the vast majority of users, but again, we can’t anticipate all potential methods of calling the SDK.
We recommend testing on a staging environment to make sure that things go as planned before updating on the live site.
Also, always have a way to roll back to the previous version before clicking update.
Update to the latest version of GiveWP, and then check to see if the error persists. If it does, you’ll need to select a different method of calling the SDK, at Donations > Settings > Advanced > Stripe. This will require deactivating the other solution that uses Stripe temporarily, and then changing the setting, and then reactivating the other solution.