If you just want to point your new domain which is registered at Go Daddy (GD) to a new WP installation on Bluehost (BH) then:
At GD:
– log into your GD account and launch the Domain Manager
– click on the domain name in question
– click the Set nameservers link (lower left)
– make sure that the ‘ I have specific nameservers for my domains.’ is selected
– enter ns1.bluehost.com for Nameserver 1: and ns2.bluehost.com for Nameserver 2: … 3 and 4 stay empty
– click OK, and OK and that’s it at GD ??
At BH:
– log in to your cPanel
– if you already have the new WP site in a sub folder, then go to step 2.
1. – Files > File Manager > New Folder > enter a name (lower case, no spaces or special characters) > Create New Folder
2. – Domains > Addon Domains >
— New Domain Name: the new one from GD, without the https://
— Subdomain/FTP Username: I generally use the one that is self-generated when you fill out the New Domain Name
— Document Root: this will self-populate with public_html/domain name
— delete just the domain name and enter the folder name from step 1. or your existing sub folder, so it looks like public_html/foldername
– enter and confirm a very strong password
– click Add Domain
– wait ?? … can take up to “36 hours” according to the docs, but generally it is available in about 1 to 2 hours … or sooner … keep trying
That’s it for the domain part for an additional, separate WP site on a BH account. If this is for a WP Multisite, then the GD part is the same, but I am not familiar with WPMS.