• I converted about 10 blogs over to WordPress 3.0 network all on the same domain name. Now, I am trying to map over their domain names to point at the individual blogs. I am using sub directories and have installed the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin.

    The domain does resolve to the correct blog, but it seems to simply to a redirect so the url changes in the browser. This is not at all what I intended.

    I have spend a couple of days monkeying around with this and am losing my patience. I should have tested this more thoroughly but somehow expected WordPress to work better and had higher expectations.

    Can anyone please provide any insight they may have had from their own experiences or direct knowledge of how I can achieve this? Has anyone actually got this to work correctly?

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  • Yes, it’s been working fine and correctly in 3.0 and 3.0.1. It does have an option to keep the originating subdomain and subfolder on the admin side if you want. Did you try turning that off? Or editing the site details to remove the original child site address?

    Need a test site to look at?

    Thread Starter organicsalons


    Andrea – I would love a test site to look at. Can you please direct me to where I could find keep the originating subdomain and subfolder option? I have looked through the Super Admin section and cannot locate it.

    One example of what is happening is for https://www.perkinsroadparlour.com

    Thank you in advance for any help or insight you may be able to provide. I have been working on this for several days without any progress.

    Under Super Admin -> Domain Mapping, there is a section called “Domain Options” with a number of checkboxes.

    “Redirect administration pages to site’s original domain” if that is checked it will use the original subdomain.

    My test site is mommieblogs.com, and one of the mapped domains is sillyandrea.com.

    for the second one, I did go to Super Admin -> Sites and edit the site to remove references to the original subdomain.

    Thread Starter organicsalons


    Ok, so I changed “Redirect administration pages to site’s original domain” to make sure that was unchecked.

    If I change any references to my main domain in the site -> references section the subfolder becomes unavailable.

    I am using subfolders and not subdomains for my individual sites but I don’t think that it should matter. Do you have any further advice?

    Please help and thank you so much for your time!

    If I change any references to my main domain in the site -> references section the subfolder becomes unavailable.

    Yes, that’s the point.

    The error you’re getting (now that I looked) is that the domain isn’t parked properly onto your wordpress install. don’t serveralias it to the subfolder blog. do it to the main blog, wp will know where to go.

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