OK. I’ve found the actual cause of the problem.
In the file domain_mapping.php
on line 192 the code is:
$rows = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->dmtable} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,20” );
This is the line that retrieves just the 20 rows max that the settings page displays.
Changing that ’20’ near the end of that line to ‘200’ means that it will show up to 200 mappings on the settings page. Or just set it to something really high, or even try out removing
LIMIT 0,20
altogether (which works fine for me).
Which gives you a line 192 of:
$rows = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->dmtable} ORDER BY id DESC” );
This doesn’t fix the domain search problem (it simply doesn’t work), but as long as you have the full list you can use your web browser’s ‘find text in page’ function to find the site you are interested in.
Of course, your fix may get overwritten should this plugin get updated.
Of course, if you have thousands of mappings and very low memory limits in php or mysql then you may crash the page.