Hello @masonsam,
Glad you reached out. I’m happy to clarify here ??
The multi-step donation form was designed to round up the donation amount because it works a bit differently from the legacy donation form. Decimals are relatively easy when it comes to USD, but GiveWP supports dozens of types of currencies, decimal types, decimal places, etc.
If decimals are a must on your project, you can change the donation form template from a multi-step donation form to a legacy donation form, so the decimals will work properly.
Last but not least, I’ve added you as a voter for the decimal feature for the multi-step form here https://feedback.givewp.com/feature-requests/p/the-multi-step-donation-form-should-allow-decimal-numbers.
Our feedback site is designed to be the single source for all updates on particular issues. If any movement has happened, it will be displayed there for both the public and our team internally.
If specific feedback only has a handful of votes, that influences the priority we place on it. The more votes, the faster things get worked on!
Please let us know if you have further questions on this or need any additional assistance!