• Hi, thanks so much for this plugin! I have been coming across this problem, and having read all of the relevant topics for the past few hours, I can’t see that this has ben brought up before.

    I currently have my site set up so users can make a donation without registering.

    Then, as soon as they complete their payment (paypal), it is redirected to the site registration page (I am using Ultimate Member plugin for front end registration).

    However, even if:
    -users use the exact same email address as the one they used when they made the donation
    -register immediately after beign redirected from paypal
    -on the same browser and device

    …their donations history page says “It looks like you haven’t made any donations.”

    However, they can view their receipt just fine, even after registering/logging in.

    I have tried clearing all my caches quite a few times, but it hasn’t had any effect.

    I have tried using a number of different test account setups where guests donate first, then register, and it’s the same problem on all of them, where their donation history does not show.

    The only time when the donation history is successfully showing is if users are registered first, and then they donate. However, I don’t want to make people have to register first.


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