• Resolved Clemens


    Hello Jonas,

    first of all, many thanks for this ingenious plugin.

    My current problem is that we have integrated the donation form on a landing page on our website, as well as using the normal WooCommerce shop with additional products. (However, the donation form cannot be found as a product, but is only integrated on the landing page)

    The problem for us is as follows:

    1. if an amount is selected on the landing page in the donation form, regardless of whether it is a preselection or a self-entered amount
    2. enters his data in the donation form, but does not yet complete it
    3. later wants to pay with other potential products via the WooCommerce shopping cart or just with the donation product individually in the WooCommerce checkout with PayPal, PayPal does not display the amount actually entered in the donation form in its payment gateway.
      The amount that was entered in the donation product in the variable subscription variants is now displayed here. For example, as shown in the documentation “1”.

    Now you can delete these amounts from the variants, but then the donation form can no longer be completed, as the product is probably missing a basic value.

    Is there a way around this problem?

    I can provide further information if necessary.

    Many thanks in advance.
    Best regards

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  • Plugin Author Jonas


    Hi Clemens,

    do I get this correctly?
    Users are on checkout with multiple products in their cart and the donation amount is displayed correctly. But when they click on PayPal as the payment method PayPal charges the default price for the donation product?


    Thread Starter Clemens


    Hello Jonas,

    that is correct so far.

    If the donation form is used on its own landing page, the amount entered by the donor is displayed, debited from PayPal and the correct amount is credited to the donation account.

    If the donation form is not run through completely, but completed later via the shopping cart and the checkout, everything is still displayed correctly in WooCommerce, PayPal apparently receives the default price of the variant that is entered in the product and then also displays this to the donor. PayPal then always debits this incorrect value and the wrong value arrives in the donation account.
    Of course, this also throws the entire accounting system into confusion, as the amounts in the WooCommerce backend are different to those in the donation account.

    Plugin Author Jonas


    Hi Clemens,

    Unfortunately I have not been able to reproduce this yet. Are you using WooCommerce PayPal Payments https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/woocommerce-paypal-payments/ or another PayPal integration? Does this happen for the express checkout or the default payment gateway selection? And are you using the Gutenberg checkout block or the checkout Shortcode?


    Thread Starter Clemens


    Hi Jonas,

    We use the official WooCommere plugins on the website:
    WooCommerce PayPal Payments and WooCommerce Subscriptions

    The problem occurs via the normal gateway and only using the checkout page. We don’t have the express checkout activated in the cart and the checkout, only for a few other products on their own product page.

    We use the checkout shortcode in the default version.

    If I can help you with further information, report or similar, please let me know.

    Plugin Author Jonas


    Hi clemensgralitzer,

    unfortunately I still have have not been able to reproduce this issue. Can you please reach out to wcdp [at] jonh.eu with a link to your website so I can try to reproduce it there?


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