• We’ve had the premium version for about 5 years. The latest update to 23.5 caused conflicts with our Breakdance builder. We submitted a ticket to Yoast because the conflict clearly stated that a Yoast function had been deprecated. This prevents us from doing any work on our builer – we can’t save anything. Effectively, we may as well close down. Yoast support just blame Breakdance. I asked for a copy of version 23.4 to roll back and they won’t give me one, apparently they don’t have it! This plugin is slow and clumpy at the best of times, but the ‘blame everyone else’ culture of support just solidifies my argument that we should switch to an alternative. I don’t appreciate paying for a ‘premium’ plugin and then not receiving support and being left unable to run our website and being refused a roll back to a previous version so we can operate.

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