• I’ve just lost quite some time to find out that this plugin adds Corona Bar to website. Please don’t click on their banner/message after logging into your WP admin area! Corona Bar will be activated immediately and you won’t know how to deactivate it, as you don’t know what or which plugin is adding this Corona Bar to your website!

    I was able to find them through .css and .js file.

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  • Plugin Author dFactory


    You can deactivate it as simple as any other option – in Cookie Notice settings.
    Don’t mislead users!

    Hello @dfactory !
    I suggest you put the name of your plugin somewhere visible at the top of the activation box, so that people know which plugin is responsible for that module, and customize or disable it later.

    Plugin Author dFactory


    Cookie Notice name is there in the message in order you know which plugin operates that. You just missed that.

    Moderator Yui



    Dear users, this is a review, where one user is sharing experience, not a chat or a support topic for multiple issues.

    If you have questions to plugin author, or issues with plugin – please open your own support topic.


    I’m closing this review for new replies.

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  • The topic ‘Don’t install it (corona bar warning)’ is closed to new replies.