• It has potential but I’m a demi-geek and it took a while for me to get a grip on how it works.

    It feels like a site builder interface. Whereas before you had an editor that felt like a simple text editor. Okay it’s not very adaptable but what the hey, its worked for a long time.

    Still waiting on that little button that lets me chose between classic and blocky editors.

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  • I’m sorry to hear you haven’t had a positive experience with Gutenberg. It would be appreciated if you shared some specific examples of what doesn’t work for you so we can work to improve the experience overall. You can share that here or log an issue on the GitHub repo here:?https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues.

    If you’re absolutely not comfortable with the Gutenberg experience, you can always opt for the classic editor with this:?https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/classic-editor/

    Thread Starter wordpresszac


    It’s not as simple as naming bugs or issues that you can quantify and add to a TODO list of things to fix on GIT. The very essence of what makes WordPress so good has been missed a bit here, the community. With such a community, engagement is key. Personally I would not have added Guten as you did, take the following two statements:

    “Hey look at this swanky new editor, you want to try it? Keep it if you like it”

    “This is your new default editor.”

    See the difference? The first feels more engaging. The second is, well, what you guys did.

    Integrating new functionality into such a massive beast like WordPress (whose fur is very glossy and luxurious) is huge and should have been managed a tad better…

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  • The topic ‘Don’t push this on people. Make it an option.’ is closed to new replies.