• Hiya:
    Though I’ve been using a computer since 1991, on-line since 1995, I would have to work hard to get UP to the level of ‘newbie’ –in code, tech and WordPress stuff…brains nearly fried.
    (Though I’ve read rules of the Forum, few times, I’ve no idea what the tech part of it means, so if I’m committing a transgression: I ask for forgiveness, explanation.)

    I am creating a website; it has link to getting www.ads-software.com blog.
    -Windows 98, 2nd Edition
    -IE 5.5
    -FrontPage 2003
    -No Fire Fox (affraid of it)
    -Puter is a ‘Heinz’
    -a tech said modum was ‘going’ so he installed a 2nd
    (= primary modum and a slave modum)
    (Most of the “Critical Updates” installed; I set cookies
    to “prompt” –not “enabled”/careful where I go;
    “download”: nothing; use “Spybot” to destroy adware)
    -Blogspot (Blogger) blog, past 3/4 of a year (has PR and AdSense)
    -New (–a 2nd) blog: WP.org Blog, “daVine” https://davineorganicremedy.com/WordPress/

    Organic path: I happened to see the most beautiful template I’ve ever seen, which said it was available only for WordPress at the same time learned the right thing is to get my own domain.

    -Can’t figure out how to install template, change any thing;
    -Don’t get tech words, meaning, instructions.
    -Fairly sure I’ve created the blog, correctly, and changed color of the top. –Only “fairly” because: website V-Deck panel keeps showing “install” button. (Why…???)

    -Got a free WordPress.com blog, to learn it, while getting: host/server and a domain name.

    For over eight weeks: I’ve been reading, searching help, this Forum, etc. I’m nowhere. Not only can’t I get the beautiful template, I can not understand how to get ANY other template beyond the one it came with, on the WP.org blog (i.e. WP Theme Viewer). I do not understand the instructions. I am literal; instructions assume knowledge I don’t have. The Server techies say: ‘not their job to explain’ and my Website “HELP” buttons explain N-O-T-H-I-N-G.

    i.e. Theme Viewer: it says “download”/I click;
    it goes to “zip”-something;
    then a window says:
    “files may need to download from C\Temporary.”
    Where the (hell) is that? Dunno. Can’t find.
    (–I installed “Download Manger” –so when I click on “Temp” file: “Temp” window opens with “Download” file >click gets me: ‘”Repair” or “Remove” Download’?
    I choose “Repair” –it ‘repairs’ nothing, no templates appear…. (See why my hair is on fire?)

    -i.e. “Codex” ‘…file goes into “wp-admin…”
    WHERE is that? Instructions ASSUME I know…

    -Can not figure out how to: get ANY other template (skin???) on the WP.org blog.
    -Website: Nope, don’t know how to change look of website either; stuck using one of the ready-made (ugly-ish) templates.
    -Don’t know how to change font size, website content.

    Even when I look up the terms, don’t understand them– in Context/what to do/what they mean. Can NOT find a “simple tutorial” –anywhere, that gets it/explains the Literal, basic stuff….

    I’m tired, worn out; don’t get how anyone else got all this. In Blogger one chooses template, click >publish, done –just start writing. No confusion, no moving stuff, no code. (“Code is Poetry”??? It’s a form of torture….) If no reply: I’m resigned to never getting the beautiful template –or any other, onto the blog or to changing the website look. But if you reply, willing to explain, simply, Each small step Exactly, for getting a new template onto the WP.org blog, for example: my gratitude would be bottomless….
    Thank you for reading.

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  • Short answer: you are not allowed to upload your own templates to a WordPress.com blog – you can only choose from the templates provided to you.

    Longer answer: What is your Web site? Do you place files on a server somewhere and then type an address in your browser to view them? That means you use FTP to put files on a Web server. That’s what you’d need to do. If you’re talking about a WordPress.com account (this is www.ads-software.com, blogs are at WordPress.com), you can only choose from the template they provide for you. There’s nothing you can do other than pay the extra money to have control over the stylesheet.

    Can you shorten your request for help a bit? What do you need to do? If it’s just getting a template ready for the world to see, tell us about your server (where your site is hosted, not any passwords or anything) and what you’ve tried to do.

    When your computer says it’s downloading a file to “C:/download,” that means it’s a folder called “download” on your C drive. Do a search for the file name and it should come up.

    “it goes to ‘zip’-something” That’s not helpful; you’ll need to be more specific than that.

    Thread Starter davineor


    Thank you for reply. Sorry, I was saying I got: WordPress.COM blog thinking I would learn how to use www.ads-software.com, which has not worked out too well.

    1. Thought I did, but: davineorganicremedy.com
    is website; of which server (host?) is
    Startlogic (that’s what you’re asking?)
    2. It has built-in ability to add: www.ads-software.com blog,
    which I believe I have enabled

    3. That blog has a basic template –that I want to
    change look of /want different template of THAT blog

    4. “Do you place files on a server somewhere and then type an address in your browser to view them? That means you use FTP to put files on a Web server.”
    I don’t have ANY idea, don’t even understand the question…

    5. “C:/download”…Do a search for the file name and it should come up.”
    –I search, all the time; I can’t find.

    EDIT: I just discovered something: my website button that creates a WordPress blog –Creates a dotCOM blog. –I didn’t notice that before, thought it was a dotORG blog. Sheesh, now I’m REALLY confused….

    You might want to ask these guys for assistance:


    The volunteers there are well-known and trusted figures from these forums.

    Thread Starter davineor


    Thank you. Or maybe: if I ask politely, they will just shoot me…sigh…

    I’ve been searching for the beautiful template I saved, in “Download”…I can see it but can not open it..why is this stuff so hard. Thank you for reply. G’nite.

    I’ll say again: you cannot upload a theme to your WordPress.com blog. That is not allowed, so you have to pick one of the themes that they provide for you. Your template that you’d like to use is something that you would need your own Web site to have.

    Thread Starter davineor


    Thank you. Actually, it took a while, but that’s one of few parts I understood. I have a WP.com blog (nothing to do with the website) and I saw that it has template choices, under ‘Presentation’ –and nothing to do with “Theme Viewer.” I’m fine with that.

    The part I’m confused about: I have a host, my own domain and a website; system allows user to ALSO attach WP blog to that, so I thought that I could choose template. It is a WP.COM blog –but NO template choices; can only have the default one. I don’t understand how to change THAT. –And: If the “Theme Viewer” is for website-attached WP blog –or for the website itself.

    Are the instructions written for webmasters? I haven’t read anything so complicated, ever. But I way am grateful for above referal link, so I will write to them. –LOL, as soon as I figure out the address of the template I’m trying to get…wonder how many birthdays that’s going to take!

    If you are creating your own Web site, you are a webmaster. There’s a learning curve here and you need to learn how the system works.

    Do a Google search on FTP, because that’s what you’ll need to be able to use in order to upload things to your site. Does your Web hosting company give you a way to automatically install WordPress, is that what you mean?

    And it’s not a WordPress.com blog that you have with your Web hosting company, it’s a whateveryoursiteis.com blog. If you install WordPress on your own site, that’s completely independent of WordPress.com.

    Thread Starter davineor


    “Web hosting company give you a way to automatically
    install WordPress, is that what you mean?”

    “If you are creating your own Web site, you are a
    -Yikes (–please: don’t tell anyone)

    “If you install WordPress on your own site, that’s
    completely independent of WordPress.com.”
    -Now my head hurts

    The blog doesn’t show up on the website….Which part is: www.ads-software.com???

    Ten years ago: No body knew this stuff…How Come: EVERYbody knows it now? (–No, I have NOT been sitting on the chaise, eating bon bons for ten years…)

    There is no part of your installation of WordPress that is www.ads-software.com. Can you give a link to where your blog should be? Where did you tell your hosting company to install it? I’ll assume they use something like Fantastico, does that sound familiar? Can you login to your WordPress and write a post or anything? You should have at least been sent an email with all the details, so check around your inbox (or junk mail in case it got filtered there somehow).

    Walk me through this: you accessed your control panel for your Web site, selected the automatic install of WordPress, and then what? Do you have an FTP program, a way to get files on to your Web server? When you look at the folders and files that are on your site, is there a folder called “wp-content”? It may be inside yet another folder, so look around a bit.

    If you’ve been out of the game for the last 10 years, a lot has changed. There are still plenty of people who don’t know the information you do; don’t be so hard on yourself.

    Thread Starter davineor


    OK: I clicked on “install” in website control panel thing (they call it: V-Deck) which created:
    I titled it: daVine
    Changed the blue top to magenta

    -“login to your WordPress and write a post or anything?”
    Test wrote a title yesterday, it seemed OK, just like my WordPress.COM blog…

    -“accessed your control panel for your Web site, selected the automatic install of WordPress, and then what”
    After eight weeks, Came here and said: how do I get the template I want.

    -“Fantastico” /sent an email with all the details/ files, folders”
    Never heard the first one; Don’t know anything about any of those

    I’ve seen it, can’t get explanation, utterly clueless what it is

    -“way to get files on to your Web server”
    No idea…don’t know what that means…

    -“out of the game for the last 10 years”
    Nope, been right here, but didn’t have to learn/care about ANY of this stuff. Plus: I like to wait on new things, till they settle down, bugs out, market decides which is on top –so I didn’t get clunky portable phone, Beta, etc (!) I didn’t have a reason to learn how to make a website before; I’m a trained graphic designer, I figured ‘how hard could it be…’ Now: I’d rather sign up for root-canal…

    -“a way to get files on to your Web server?”

    -“don’t be so hard on yourself”
    Thanks! I’m so Thoroughly ignorant and confused: didn’t know I was!

    Thread Starter davineor


    If I have website that is linked to WordPress
    you are saying that is:
    -NOT WordPress dot ORG?
    How can I
    -Change the template of the form of WordPress I do have?
    -Make THAT appear on my website –for public to see?

    -Would I put a link to it on the HOME page?
    -Create a new/seperate page –titled “blog” –and put a link on the page?
    -Shouldn’t it appear already –somewhere on the website?

    I’m trying to sort out your meaning, from your questions. What’s VERY confusing: In the begining, months ago, I read the WP page that covered ‘get a host’
    so since I have a host: I thought the WP blog link of the website meant I had a dot ORG WP blog….

    Can the set-up I have be changed to another template/
    look of the blog –or am I stuck with the one it came with?

    Sheesh…I guess, I don’t have a Clue what dot ORG is…. Should I follow the link the other poster was kind enough to post –ask them if/how to change template? –Or they won’t understand me either?

    BTW: I’ve read a LOT of WP pages and I way DON’T think ANY of this is CLEAR or spelled out or simple or easy to understand. I have NO idea where “files” or
    “folders” go or what they do/how to use. Why do they make it SO complicated?

    Even though I barely understand: Thanks to each, for reply.

    Look, if you have a server, you have your own site. To have a WordPress.com account would mean that “wordpress.com” is somewhere in your Web address, right?

    I’ve got to say that if you don’t know what FTP, files, or folders are, you should have a friend there helping you out. This would be the same as me working on a 1965 Mustang, expecting that I’d be able to get it working, but having never heard the terms “carburetor,” “spark plug,” or “distributor cap.” Have you thought of taking a class in this kind of thing, either online or at a nearby community college/adult education center?

    There’s basic terminology that you don’t understand, so picking up something like WordPress and expecting to get it working is quite far outside your realm of expertise. I think looking into the install4free guys would be a good idea for you. I also think it might be a good idea if you learn some HTML and are able to maintain a site of static, hand-coded pages. That background will serve you well in the future. Give it a shot.

    Oh, and FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and is the method you’ll use to upload files to your Web server. I’ll assume you have login information from your hosting company. And you have login information for your WordPress section of your Web site, right?

    Thread Starter davineor


    “you have login information from your hosting company…for your WordPress section of your Web site, right?”
    -Hiya, and Yes

    But: website *Help* pages DON’T EXPLAIN where the pages go/or what to do. They do Thank Me a LOT for choosing their system…and: ‘This Page will be written Soon’….

    You’re right about the terms, repairing a car, etc. It’s just that I’ve had a blog, on another system, for 3/4 of a year, that has PR and AdSense (–that I figured out how to ad), and I DO know some HTML. I’m just mystified how THIS one could be sooo complicated/ dense/hard to figure out…. I don’t know even ONE person who knows this stuff. NO chance a friend could help…. I’m part of a community board for my area –asked them for help: they all said they know how to type, fill in spaces –that’s all!

    I’ve been thinking of taking a course, at a local college, except that, I didn’t learn this stuff because, basically: I hate it. –I write. I’m a trained graphic designer. I use a computer only as a means to an end. I don’t CARE how Windsor-Newton MAKES paint, I just want the color, in a tube, that I chose to be correct. I don’t want to learn How to shove the paint into the tube. See what I mean?

    But this system is just on steroids; I can’t believe that I can read the words yet have NO idea what they mean/what to do.

    Maybe I’ll just write to the link. –They would/could change BLOG template –or: WEBSITE template? Thanks for taking time to reply.

    If you hate this stuff, use someone else to install it for you.

    What did you use for your other blog?

    “DON’T EXPLAIN where the pages go/or what to do.” Have you read any of this:

    Specifically, this:

    Do you really feel like those pages don’t explain anything at all? The documentation for WordPress is actually pretty thorough. What Web site help are you refering to that doesn’t explain anything to you? I’m confused.

    .. and 11 replies ago, there was this:

    You might want to ask these guys for assistance:


    The volunteers there are well-known and trusted figures from these forums.

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