Thanks for the link. Admittedly, my first suggestion was a bit of a shot in the dark.
I see you only seem to have the problem on the single comics pages, not on the home page. This may mean that you’ve placed the comic easel do_action code in the wrong spot(s) and now somehow the single pages are pulling it twice – once for the site, in a way, and once for the page. But it’s hard to determine from just seeing the displayed code. What theme are you using and where did you place the code?
For now, maybe try this: Find the
code in your header file (assuming it’s the header) and adda homepage-only condition to it so it reads something like:
<?php if(is_home()) { do_action(‘comic-area’); } ?>
(give or take a few ; – I always get those wrong. If it’s wrong, you can easily tell by the page not loading.)
This should ensure that the comic display you’ve added only shows on the home page. Now, on the single comics pages this will achieve one of three things:
– it’ll load the comic only once;
– it’ll achieve nothing;
– it won’t load the comic at all.
Either way, we might learn something.