• Resolved LMP


    I just upgraded to WordPress 3.3, only to discover that several of the plugins I use are now non-functional.

    Is there a *painless* way of downgrading to version 3.2.1?

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  • “I just upgraded to WordPress 3.3, only to discover that several of the plugins I use are now non-functional.”

    THAT WOULD BE GOOD NEWS FOR ME, WordPress 3.3 has made my entire site non-functional, can’t even login to my admin panel, garbage…

    Seriously never updating it again, ever.

    I also had problems with my plugins, so I attempted to downgrade from 3.3 to 3.2.1.
    After exactly following LMP’s instructions, I got a message saying “Database Update Required: WordPress has been updated! Before we send you on your way, we have to update your database to the newest version”, just as LMP said would happen.

    But the problem comes after i click the <Update WordPress Database> button, and click the <Continue> button at the “Update Complete” page. When I click “Continue”, the page goes back to the “Database Update Required:…” page, and the loop goes over and over.

    If anybody knows how to solve this sort of problem, please let me know.

    Seriously never updating again, either.

    I just did as suggested and had no errors, however, now nothing will insert at all, from posts, pages, quickpress.

    Al S


    Worked great… thank you so much. It really was a headache with 3.3.1 when the visual editor went missing. The whole reason i chose WP was to get away from html. No visual editor…. welcome to html!



    I just installed WordPress 3.3.1, and nothing looks the same. It is “upgraded”.. Instead of insert picture and insert video etc there is a button “media” (undefined). and – even worse – no categories show on the screen. How can I stop this “upgrade”. I want to have the same features as I already am used to (blogg.ogoola.se). I am not a programmer, so I guess my questions is: How can I start over and download the older (well working) version of WordPress? How can I see which version I work with in the older version?



    I think most of this are plugin incompatibilities issue.
    After downgrading, before clicking the update DB button : deactivate the plugin by renaming the folder first.

    Mine also have problem with visual editor, after de-activating the SurveyMe plugin, it works back to normal.

    hope this helps ??

    i disabled all of my plugins first and downgraded as per above and it worked great.


    would this work for me. I updated to 3.3.2 today and am having massive problems… the update in a nushell is a mess and it appears my theme isnt updated. I cannot view posts, background colors not working etc etc does such a process like LMP posted exist to revert to 3.3.1 or 3.3 I just want my site working again I dont want to lose the little traffic I have b/c ppl cant view things now!! ??

    Thank you to Samuel B.
    After upgrading to WP 3.4-1
    I’ve got a WP-admin blank page or after wp-login.php page I’ve got a blank page redirected to wp-admin.

    I solved this transfering via FTP wp-admin and wp-includes and all the root files – EXCEPT wp-config sample – or WP confic.php from the WP prior version.
    Then I went to the wp-admin page and worked fine. I checked the plugins and I saw that 1 of the plugins was de-activated (maybe not compatible) I re-installed an olld version of this plugin.

    over-write the wp-admin and wp-includes and the root WP folder files EXCEPT wp-config with 3.2.1 files.
    log in to admin and upgrade db if prompted

    Followed these instructions to downgrade from 3.4.1 to 3.2 and worked perfectly. Thanks!

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