Implemented download counter.
If you install the current dev version as explained earlier, it should say version number on the plugins screen.
The photo admin page shows the download counts and the topten widget has been adapted to process and display the download counts.
The changelog for version 7.2.00 so far:
* Changed defaults for Table IX-D19 and IX-D20 as this seems to be the most convenient.
* The mailing of frontload upload notifications will now combine multiple photos in one notification email for photos that have the same owner and are in the same album,
and the uploads have been done during a period of max 5 minutes.
* For users who can create (sub) albums, the uplaod widget and the box created by [wppa type="upload"] will now show a selectionbox of parents where the user can create a subalbum.
The selectionbox may contain --- none --- and --- separate --- if the user can create toplevel albums.
* The number of downloads as enabled in Table VI-C1.x is now registered.
* Added w#dlcount as photo description keyword to display the download count.
* Added display and sort method 'Download count' to the TopTen widget.