• My blog is https://www.kouya.net

    I recently changed themes from Thesis to 2011.

    Shortly afterwards, I had problems with permalinks not working. I have documented this here.

    The permalink problem seems to have solved itself for reasons I do not understand.

    However, since then, none of the links to downloads on my site are showing (there should be some on the sidebar in the section marked ‘free ebooks’.

    I’ve done the usual things of deactivating and reactivating the plugin. Then installing and uninstalling it. I’ve also resaved my permalinks which the trouble-shooting guide to the plugin said I should do.

    All to no avail. Does anyone have any clever ideas?

    The text in the widget is as follows:

    We have published a number of ebooks, which you can download below. There are a few more examples on the “talks etc” page.

    [download id=”1″ format=”1″]
    [download id=”2″ format=”1″]
    [download id=”3″ format=”1″]
    [download id=”17″ format=”1″]
    [download id=”18″ format=”1″]

    What shows up in the page source is:

    ‘ <aside id=”text-188979851″ class=”widget widget_text”><h3 class=”widget-title”>Free Ebooks</h3> <div class=”textwidget”><p>We have published a number of ebooks, which you can download below. There are a few more examples on the “talks etc” page. </p>

    Any thoughts or inspiration would be gratefully received.

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