• So I did a manual backup of my file system and database as well it was encrypted.
    After downloading I was not asked for a decryption key and looking at the backup files I noticed a folder that contained the file structure as well as the file structure itself. So in effect all my files X2.
    A. What happened to the decryption (or encryption)?
    and B. Is it normal to have a backup folder in my backup?


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  • Plugin Author Online Backup


    Hi slinky,

    A. In General Settings make sure the encryption type is not set to “None”. If it is, encryption won’t happen.

    B. The backup file should have two folders, Database and Filesystem. In Database will be a SQL backup file of your database. In Filesystem will be your website data exactly as it is stored on your website. If there is 2X data there might be 2X data on your server, best to check via FTP. If there are files in the backup where there shouldn’t be, let us know and we can make sure it’s not any issue, but we haven’t seen anything like this happen before that wasn’t normal.



    Thread Starter slinky005


    Thanks for the prompt reply.
    First off, very well put together and easy to use software. Kudos to all the devs or dev.

    Not sure what happened the first time but after doing another backup, now it’s encrypted and I’m assuming the file structure is good too.

    Now I have a new question:
    My backup is 39mb. What is a 4MiB limit equal to? I never heard of MiB
    I’ll assume that I have to upload the enc file via ftp.
    After I do this , I am unclear of the process.
    Do I select the enc file to decrypt on the decrypt backup page?
    Then does this create a new decrypted file on the server?

    Plugin Author Online Backup


    Hi slinky,

    MiB = 1048576 B
    MB = 1000000 B

    They are nearly the same but MiB is standard and always means 1048576. MB is SUPPOSED to mean 1000000 but it’s considered by some people as 1048576 (such as Microsoft) so it gets quite confusing. This is why a 1TB hard drive is not 1TB when you plug it into Windows. The manufacturer is measuring different but they’re using the same unit!

    Anyway, yes you upload the file via FTP and select it on the Decrypt page. Then it will start downloading the unencrypted file to your computer. You can then access the backup. It doesn’t create it on the server.


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