• Hi all – So I create a dummy user and I admin mr. dummy to have user level 1. Mr. dummy user should only supposedly be able to create drafts that need to be approved. But no, he is able to publish. Why?

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  • So am I.

    Just went into my test setup with a level 1 user login; I can save as draft or private, and I can delete the post, but I never see an option to publish.

    Thread Starter rosco47


    Youch! So inotherwords there’s something bizarro about my setup that’s letting user level 1 people publish?

    Thread Starter rosco47


    Finally figured out my own bone-head problem. In the Options -> Writing menu under “Newly registered members” I had checked “May Publish Articles” instead of “May submit drafts for review”. Doing that apparently overrides the user level and lets user level 1 folks publish articles.

    I would suggest that maybe a better policy to follow is to scrap that “Newly Registered Members” option entirely and instead there should be a way to set the user level of newly registered members. So let the built-in functionality of user levels take care of the ‘who can post what’ issue rather than providing the afore-mentioned option. Is there a formal way to suggest this?

    I’d forgotten about that setting. Guess there’s a drawback to running a blog with one user…

    For your proposal:


    It’s not just for bugs.

    In working to improve the article: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/User_Levels came across this thread so wanted to add these comments (for

    In your Options, Writing choice, under Newly registered members:

    If you check ‘Cannot write articles’ new registered users get assigned to User Level 0 (zero).

    If you check ‘May submit drafts for review’ new registered users get assigned to User Level 1.

    If you check ‘May publish articles’ new registered users get assigned to User Level 2.

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