From looking at your site it does have the latest version. I tried dragging images in the first gallery and I was able to change the order. I’m using Firefox.
As for your other questions about changing the thumbnail size, it can be done with CSS. You have specify a new site in ‘.mg-image-tiles img’ and in ‘.mg-image-tiles.standard .mg-thumbs ul li div’. For widths between images that would be specified for the specific column class, like for the five column class ‘.mg-image-tiles .mg-thumbs.mg-fivecol ul li’ These can be placed in your style.css. If the style.css is the last css file to load then there new size and margin settings should work. But if the style.css is loaded before the maxgalleria style sheet, then they will not. In this case you could add a custom style sheet for your gallery, which can be done under the Advance tab.
Let us know if you are still having the reorder problem and what browser you are using.
If this solves your issue thanks in advance for marking this thread as ‘Resolved’ so we know your question has been answered and for giving us and our plugin a rating at Maxgalleria Reviews