• Resolved angryrectangle


    Hi there,

    I was working on my website last night just fine. This morning when I resumed editing, dragging/resizing columns no longer works. In addition, content has moved on its own – hence why I wanted to fix it by dragging and resizing. This seems to be an issue even when adding new blocks. The line simply goes red and will not move. I have not amended any plugins and have already tried to close everything out and re-open it.

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  • Thread Starter angryrectangle


    I figure it out, it seems there is a bug: https://github.com/BoldGrid/post-and-page-builder/issues/511
    Also – while the columns were showing as unresponsive on my side, they were actually working. I managed to resolve the issue by changing my resolution, however it is odd given that I have not made any changes to my resolution since last night when it was working fine.

    Plugin Support brandonco


    My apologies @angryrectangle, we were out of office for the weekend but I’m happy to see you managed to work this out on your own. This is a known issue and it seems to occur for different reasons. I will note your resolution and pass it along to our devs as they’re are actively working on a more stable fix for this. Please let us know if you run into any more trouble, well be right here to help!

    Thank you!

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