It looks like my site is back up, but the database is still down. I get my WP “Error establishing a database connection” error. Interestingly, though, the domain itself is still down which means I can’t get to my control panel, either.
This was (is) far from just DH, BTW. MySpace was down, Yahoo went down briefly, and Media Temple is still down.
Trust me, having to go through a large host location and start resetting stuff one thing at a time after a complete, and unexpected power failure, is not an easy or quick task. things do *not* just start working again when the power comes back up. You have to take into consideration all of the different servers running all the different services (pop, smtp, http, ftp, dns, ssl…). Getting them all back up and talking to each other (and praying every step of the way that all the data is still there) is a miserable undertaking.
I feel more sorry for the folks at DH, MT, and anyone else effected by this than I do for myself because my podcast isn’t going to be heard today.
Speaking of that… I think this may all be my fault. I posted m latest podcast, like, 10 minutes before this happened ??