Dreamspeed is not serving files anymore
Everything was working perfectly until recently.
I just noticed that the files served from my website (www.airmovie.fr) come from local and not from Dreamspeed CDN anymore.
I tried uninstalling the plugin and reinstalling, no success.
The files are still shown on the CDN side if I check in my media library.Is that weird? What should I do?
Thanks a lot!
The obvious question is … what changed?
New theme or plugin? Activate Photon?
In my case, which is in another ticket also nothing changed. Actually aince april 4 I have had issues in my site https://adondeiehoy.com which until just 3 days ago was again serving fine from the CDN and suddenly all new is being served directly from the site. I have a ticket opened in Dreamhost with +41 replies just on this matter. Once I had to rollback the CDN plugin because everything went south. There is something strange happening with the plugin. Also I noticed that before images uploaded in april for updated posts were placed in the april folder. Lately that changed and the plugin is sending the new files to the post’s dated file. For example a post from Feb is updated in april because of new photos. The new photos are sent to the uploads/2017/02
I installed jetpack and activated Photon for a few hours but I wasn’t satisfied so I reverted back. Then I think Dreamspeed worked again for a time but I can’t be sure!
For example a post from Feb is updated in april because of new photos. The new photos are sent to the uploads/2017/02
Oh. Yeah, okay so that is likely to be weird. First off, if you update an old post with new photos, WordPress puts them in the month for the date of the post, not “today” – That’s perfectly normal, if weird when you’re not expecting it.
which until just 3 days ago was again serving fine from the CDN and suddenly all new is being served directly from the site
Wait a second…. ALL your posts, that is all your existing posts, have the content changed to point to local?
That sounds like something’s messing around with your database!
What plugins are you running?
I know you are replying to rickyprice, but since your question could be directed towards me too :
Wait a second…. ALL your posts, that is all your existing posts, have the content changed to point to local?
Yes :/
The plugins I am running (only the ones that might be interesting to you):Enable Media Replace
Real-Time Find and Replace
Really Simple SSL
Remove Query Strings From Static ResourcesI am not using any of those plugins that mikepatchouly is using
The answer is YES all the new ones are being served directly from the site. Not the old ones, the new ones. As per Vince in Dreamhost [enrgon5 133406810] CDN not uploaidng images, he replied to the last query on this with:
1. images using https://adondeirhoy.com/wp-content/uploads instead of
2. images not uploading to the CDN, either immediately or at all, after
you add the image to WP Admin.Is this correct? If so:
1. Several days ago during your chat with Joseph R, I had you remove the
“images.adondeirhoy.com” URL from the Media settings because this Media
setting was incorrect. The DreamSpeed > CDN menu should normally be able
to use your alias when using HTTP instead of HTTPS, but for some reason
this option is greyed out and unavailable to you. I’ll investigate this
further. In the meantime, both existing images using the
https://images.adondeirhoy.com/wp-content/uploads URL as well as new
images using the
https://objects.cdn.dream.io/cdn.adondeirhoy.com/wp-content/uploads/ URL
should work successfully.
https://objects.cdn.dream.io/cdn.adondeirhoy.com/wp-content/uploads/ will
be the CDN URL for now for newer images.2. I see that you have uploaded one image today that is not currently on
the CDN, and past images are on the CDN. I’d like to do an experiment if
you’re willing: Please continue to upload posts and images as normal,
and do not do any manual CDN “Migrate existing images” on your own. In
24 hours, I’ll take a look at your WP Admin and see if there were any
attempts for your site and plugin to upload them to the CDN on their own,
and if not, what happens when it tries.The first point is not working, images are not being served from the CDN. I am not using HTTPS yet.
Have gotten no answer from point #2
Plugins are:
Accelerated Mobile Pages
Deactivate?|?Edit?|?Settings?|?Premium Support
Akismet Anti-Spam
BJ Lazy Load
Contact Form 7
Contact Form DB
Custom Sidebars
DreamSpeed CDN
EWWW Image Optimizer
GitHub Updater
Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP
Goodnews Shortcodes editor
Google AdSense
Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights
Settings?|?Support?|?Get MonsterInsights Pro?|?Documentation?|?Deactivate?|?Edit
LayerSlider WP
Lazy Load
List category posts
List Pages Shortcode
Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions
Rating-Widget: Star Review System
Settings?|?Blog?|?Upgrade?|?Add Ons?|?Deactivate?|?Edit
Regenerate Thumbnails
Revision Control
Simple 301 Redirects
Simple Facebook Like Box
Slider Revolution
Edit?|?Delete?|?Update Required
This Day In History
Varnish HTTP Purge
Visual Composer moded for Goodnews theme
Yoast SEO
FAQ?|?Premium Support?|?Settings?|?Deactivate?|?Edit@rickyprice – Pleas make a separate post for yourself. It’s incredibly hard (if not impossible) to help two people with DIFFERENT issues in one thread. And base don the things you’ve posted, I’m pretty sure you have a configuration error or a plugin conflict. The bottom line is this: If it DID work, and it mysteriously STOPS and resets itself (i.e. it lets you upload for a while, then it stops) then you have a conflict with one of your plugins or your theme, and the only way to determine which one is trial and error. By which I mean turning off ALL the plugins except DreamSpeed CDN and testing over and over. Except in your case, since it works for a while and stops, I doubt that would be effective. You have ‘something’ the DreamSpeed plugin doesn’t like, and it’s going to be insanely hard to figure out which one, if it’s possible at all.
@mikepatchouly – I say the following ASSUMING you’ve verified the plugin is still on and the options to upload to CDN etc are checked in the settings.
I installed jetpack and activated Photon for a few hours but I wasn’t satisfied so I reverted back. Then I think Dreamspeed worked again for a time but I can’t be sure!
When you upload NEW images to https://www.airmovie.fr, and insert them into posts, do they have the correct CDN URL?
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
Ipstenu (Mika Epstein).
opened a new one at https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/cdn-not-serving-images/
When you upload NEW images to https://www.airmovie.fr, and insert them into posts, do they have the correct CDN URL?
I inserted a new image (IMG_0363.jpg) and here is the resulting source code in the page :
<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-535" src="https://airmovie.objects.cdn.dream.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMG_0363-300x225.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="225" srcset="https://www.airmovie.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMG_0363-300x225.jpg 300w, https://www.airmovie.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMG_0363-768x576.jpg 768w, https://www.airmovie.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMG_0363-1024x768.jpg 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"/>
Is that weird?
I don’t know why this JUST appeared in my feed but … Actually no, not weird at all.
First the src is indeed on the CDN. It’s the srcset resizes that aren’t and that’s a known bug, so everything’s fine. I mean, it’s not broken in a different way, it’s broken as I expect it to be ??
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
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