• Hey everyone im Dre. I am a graphics and photo geek that has decided to jump into Word Press. Here is my first go:


    The theme I am customizing is Obsidian 1.1 based on Mangi. It is all starting to come together now so that I can finish the layout out and start making the extra pages and adding a full gallery and so fourth.

    I do have a question for you all being that I am code ignorant and have bleed through my eyes keeping this site compliant throughout the revamp(like I said graphics geek). At the bottom of the pages you will notice I added an image to make it look kinda grungy, how can I get the center/main part of the pages to stay at the minimum at the bottom of the page.

    I hope this makes sense and please bare with me, this is all new to me. Thanks for your time and I am sure you will hear from me again ??


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  • >>to stay at the minimum at the bottom of the page.

    I am sorry but I don’t get this part.

    Thread Starter dremeda


    ok if you take a look at my gallery page https://www.dremeda.com/wordpress/gallery/sp_index.php you will see that being that there arent any galleries right now the main part of the page slides up. Therefore exposing the black on the bottom part of my image.

    I would like to be able to keep the main part of the page all the way to the bottom, how can I do this and were can I get info on this.

    Sorry for not articulating this correctly!

    Thread Starter dremeda


    Can I get a little love, just wanted some feedback if possible or at least hey that sucks ??

    OMG, that theme is Awesome! You did a great job!
    Some advice though…. I would include the sidebar, at least on the main page. It looks very empty and will still look empty and too spaced out when there is more posts.

    You just need to fill it out a little.

    Also, I do not like the way that the search is at the bottom. Usability suggests moving it to the top (Who is usability?) ??

    Overall, a great theme. Really my style. Love it. Just needs a little more work.

    Love the colours and textures Dre. It gives the site a great feel overall. The only that would be bugging me if it was my site would be the white background on the search box – but that’s just me.

    Excellent work in my opinion ??

    Thread Starter dremeda


    Not done yet but I am glad you guys like it so far ?? I will be adding a side bar and the search box will be moved up to the top were it will be color matched to the theme. I am just having a hard time with the coding, I am a graphics geek not a code junkie.

    There is a 2 column version of the theme that I am basing my revisions off of but if I went to that I would have to start from scratch. Is there an easy way to get a side bar in here?

    Thanks for your comments and I look forward to hearing more ??

    Thread Starter dremeda


    I went ahead and restarted with a two column version. I based it off of SlatyStain like yours Shadow. I moved the search box up. I am obviously nowhere near finished but let me know what you all think:


    Try this CSS fix, for the problem u were saying



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