Follow my instruction here –
Step-1 : Open your plugin directory and then open collapse-content plugin folder.
Step-2 : Now open lib folder , here you will see a file name is install.php open it on any editor.
Step-3 : Go to near line no. 15 and then find below below code there
wp_enqueue_script( 'wpsm_ac_bootstrap-js-front', wpshopmart_collapsed_c_directory_url.'assets/js/bootstrap.js', array(), '', true );
Step-4 : Repalce given code with this line of code
//wp_enqueue_script( 'wpsm_ac_bootstrap-js-front', wpshopmart_collapsed_c_directory_url.'assets/js/bootstrap.js', array(), '', true );
Step-5 : Save your file and then check your site menu.