• Resolved j_newell


    Hi everyone,

    The website is https://www.decalstyling.com (see the “home products” menu)

    I am inserting custom icons 24x24px into the menu.

    THe problem is, theyre displaying at 36x36px in the menu and are too big and blurry, naturally from upsizing.

    Anyone know whats causing them to enlarge 150%?

    When I use the provided fontawesome or genericons, they display properly at 100%. ANything that is uploaded displays at 150%.

    This is driving me nuts trying to figure it out.



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  • Plugin Author megamenu



    Which browser are you using? In Chrome they are displaying at 24×24 for me:


    (also checked in FF)

    If you increase the Flyout Menu Item Height to 35px it will give the icons a bit more space.


    Thread Starter j_newell


    I am seeing the same thing as you, in all browsers. It says 24×24 when you inspect it, but theyre actually 36×36. Taking a screen shot and opening it in photoshop reveals theyre actually 36×36.

    Also, when I view the icons in windows on my desktop, theyre smaller and clear because theyre beight displayed at a native 24×24. Something is definitely enlarging them. Theyre bigger in the mnu than that actually are. As I mentioned in my email to you:

    When I upload “custom icons” to my menu, I set them to 20px x 20px and theyre appearing larger than they should be and are blurry compared to fontawesome and genericons selection your plugin offers.

    Attached is a screen grab of what Im talking about. https://s15.postimg.org/i2phfy2y3/Capture.jpg The top icon on the drop menu is a fontawesome icon and the rest below that are .png images I uploaded.

    How can I get them to be clear with crisp edges and not so oversized, so they match the quality of your built in icons?

    Another question in addition to what I just sent about the icons would be: Which file can I edit within the plugin to manually add in fontawesome icons which your plugin doesn’t display on the menu? There are a lot more available as Im sure you know and would like to manually insert them by changing the fontawesome “\fxxx” somewhere?

    Plugin Author megamenu



    The fontawesome icons are vector based so custom icons (bitmap format – pngs/jpegs) will never be as crisp.

    The icons are definitely 24×24 here, here is a new screenshot using a page ruler: https://screencast.com/t/2IXQrJKsk

    Are you sure you’re not zoomed in on the page? (Go to View > Actual Size).

    It will be easier for me to update the font awesome icons here than explain how to add them in manually, if you can give me a few hours I will add them to the development version.


    Thread Starter j_newell


    Yes I am at 100%. I understand what youre saying about vector. I am just having a hard time understanding why the images are fuzzy on the menu, but very clear in windows when I view them.

    If you could update it so that we can manually input fontawesome icon names that would probably be easier than you adding the several hundred that are available https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/ to your selection page?

    Thread Starter j_newell


    Even better: If you could allow uploaded icons to be .SVG or .EPS I would be forever grateful. That way I could have my icons clear since I have them in that format. If you could email me the dev version with .svg or .eps files uploading enabled this would resolve my issue =)

    Thanks for your fast replies, I really appreciate it!

    Plugin Author megamenu


    Hi j,

    I’ll email you now and move the conversation over there.


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