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  • Like my page? That’s done by having a partially transparent png in the background, which fits the content wrapper perfectly.

    Thread Starter chriscphoto


    EXACTLY what Im after… how do you do that? I have the graphic, I just have no idea how to apply it or what code I need in the header and what to put in the Styles.css

    You need a fixed body width for that. I used the Lonely Tree template, then adjusted the wrapper width. This is the CSS for the background:

    body {
    background: url(images/bg2.png) repeat-y center;

    The background PNG is has a solid body in the middle (800px = wrapper), then shadow on the sides with opacity set to 20-40%. The shadow was done in Fireworks, with a linear gradient from right to left.

    Does any of this make sense?

    Thread Starter chriscphoto


    My site is fixed width which helps

    so I create a background that is slightly wider than my content to include the shadow… upload to images and bg2.png and set my colour #978e8a….

    I think I understand…off to try and ill come back to you

    Thank you so much!


    The image needs to be uploaded to wp-content/themes/xxyourthemexx/images, I think. You can call it whatever you want, just use that name in the CSS. I usually use a png with a solid block right in the middle, set to the same width as your wrapper, and opaque shadows on the sides the best.

    If it is only the shadow, the PNG needs to be only 5px high; my background uses a repeating pattern, that’s why it is higher. The CSS command as posted above will get you the repetition, and since it is opaque, it works on any background color – I usually fiddle with those color codes till I like the look.

    Thread Starter chriscphoto


    oh wow! Thank you sooo much, I have honestly been at this on and off all week trying to figure this out, works perfectly! Going to fiddle with colours….!

    Thanks million for helping me!

    You wouldnt happen to know hot to insert the post date between my title and the text ie

    Kaleem & Tehmina | Orocco Pier | Edinburgh Wedding Photographer

    <<<DATE HERE>>>

    Yesterday, just before all that snow fell………

    that’s my next task lol!

    Thanks again


    That needs to be in 1-2 PHP files. In my case, it is located in archive and single.php.

    The code to call the post date looks like this:

    <?php /* If this is a daily archive */ } elseif (is_day()) { ?>
    <?php _e(‘Archive for’,’lonelytree’); echo ‘ ‘;the_time(__(‘F jS, Y’,’lonelytree’)); ?>

    <div class=”additional-meta”>
    <?php _e(”, ‘lonelytree’); ?><?php the_time(‘l, j F, Y’) ?> <?php _e(”, ‘lonelytree’); ?> <?php edit_post_link(‘[edit post]’, ‘   ‘); ?>

    Note that my template is mentioned in there… I have no clue how that needs to be adjusted for your site; I suck at PHP. ??

    Thread Starter chriscphoto


    OK I think I found it, it’s inserted the date but I just need to format it in style.css I think…

    thanks again for help ??


    P.S. You might consider making the wrapper a tad smaller. I am on an older notebook, so sth like 1000px is all I can view on my screen.

    Thread Starter chriscphoto


    I know but the flash header is 1000px and it came with the theme, and I have no idea how to create a new one, ideally I would prefer slightly narrower and deeper and trying to choose photos that work is tricky 1000×300 px

    I know even less about flash than I know about php. ??

    Thread Starter chriscphoto


    LOL no worries, Ive almost figured out the date, so the flasher will be next on the list.. this is getting addictive…. didnt know what CSS was until last monday!!!!

    Thanks again for help!

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