• Resolved mchelles



    I have been using UpdraftPlus to send auto backups to Dropbox. All seemed to be working fine, until I received an email saying today from DropBox that they were concerned that I deleted 50,200 files yesterday. All of these files are updraftPlus backups. Definitely concerning, because I did not delete anything! I have a pro Dropbox plan with 1 TB storage and am only using 221 GB. I am emailing DropBox for support to see if they can help with this or at least explain what may have happened.

    Looking at the files that were deleted, what is really concerning is that these are the new backups that were moved to the trash, and not the old backups of the site. (Backups that are deleted are dated Feb 13th and Feb 14th 2016) – whereas when I log into Dropbox, the backups in the Apps folder some go all the way as far back as June 2015.

    Also – I noticed some sites are not synching to DropBox at all, despite having auto backups configured. Thank goodness I run daily cPanel backups as well as send backups to Amazon s3! One site, which is set up to send a monthly backup to Dropbox, shows two recent backups were made on the server which I can download – but the last time it ever synched to Dropbox was all the way back in June?

    Anyways, feel free to contact me if you want to look into this further – maybe I have something misconfigured or there is a glitch/limitation with Dropbox I am not aware of. I have updated all of my sites to the latest UpdraftPlus version.



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  • Plugin Author David Anderson



    Please can you provide a link to your log file for a problematic backup? (You can download it from the “Existing Backups” tab of your UpdraftPlus settings page).

    It’ll be too long to paste into the forum here, but you can download it to your computer, and share it with Dropbox, or paste it in pastebin.com, or any similar service, and post the link here.

    Best wishes,

    Thread Starter mchelles


    I looked into the files as you suggested and figured out the issue – was an error on my part ??

    Thanks for the quick reply!

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