• Resolved TVRuckus


    I wanted to check and see if our articles were being submitted. So, I looked at the bottom of the editing/publishing page, where the “XML Sitemap” has “Sitemap Inclusion,” “Relative Priority” and “Update Frequency.” Each one displays a “Down” arrow, like a drop-down menu. But, they don’t work. There is no drop down. Then, I went to check on our settings; same thing. No settings are displayed, and drop-down arrows are not clickable.

    Have you seen this issue? I just do not think our articles are being properly submitted.


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  • Plugin Author xmlsitemapgenerator


    This sounds like a Javascript issue preventing the drop-downs populating properly. We have usually found this to be some sort of conflict with another plugin.

    What browser are you using?

    If you are familiar with developer tools could you take a look at the console and network tab to see if there are any errors?


    Thread Starter TVRuckus


    Chrome. I’ll see what I can check.

    Plugin Author xmlsitemapgenerator



    Did you have any luck?
    If we haven’t heard from you in a few days we’ll mark this as resolved as we are unable to reproduce the issue.

    Thread Starter TVRuckus


    No; just don’t really know what to “fix” with it. We may just remove it and try something else.

    Plugin Author xmlsitemapgenerator


    Ideally we need to see the error messages from your browser which you can see in developer tools. In particular the script console. https://developer.chrome.com/devtools

    As I suspect this is related to conflict with your particular set up I will mark this as closed, but if you would like me to investigate further I can assist you with obtaining the necessary script errors from your browser to help us diagnose the problem.

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