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  • Plugin Support Chrystl


    Hello Wincher

    Polylang do not display dropdown with flags.
    If you want a dropdown with flags you must code it.

    Here a topic about that:

    Have a good day

    Thread Starter Wincher


    Thanks you for your answer!
    Maybe I did not express myself well, I don’t want a dropdown with flag images but just a dropdown with html-text languages.
    I insert <?php pll_the_languages(array(‘dropdown’=>1)); ?> inside header.php. But link inside dorpdown doesn’t work.
    I rode a post about this and it was mentioned to fix a part of code inside widget-languages.php but I’m nos sure about what I have to do.

    I think it’s about this :

    function widget($args, $instance) {
    	global $polylang;
    	foreach ($polylang->get_languages_list() as $language) {
    	$url = $polylang->get_translation_url($language);
    	$urls[] = '"'.esc_js($language->slug).'":"'.esc_url($url).'"';
    	$urls = implode(',', $urls);
    		// javascript to switch the language when using a dropdown list
    		if ($dropdown) {
    			foreach ($polylang->model->get_languages_list() as $language) {
    				$url = $force_home || ($url = $polylang->links->get_translation_url($language)) == null ? $polylang->links->get_home_url($language) : $url;
    				$urls[] = '"'.esc_js($language->slug).'":"'.esc_url($url).'"';
    			$urls = implode(',', $urls);
    			$js = "
    				<script type='text/javascript'>
    					var urls = {{$urls}};
    					var d = document.getElementById('lang_choice');
    					d.onchange = function() {
    						for (var i in urls) {
    							if (this.value == i)
    								location.href = urls[i];
    			echo $js;

    Could you help me?

    Plugin Support Chrystl


    The function <?php pll_the_languages(array('dropdown'=>1)); ?> do not call js.

    But someone worked on it and:

    Thread Starter Wincher


    You’re incredible !
    Thanks you so much

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