Dropdown list from API
Regarding this thread:
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/select-options-from-xml-json-csv?replies=4I did as you told me, but it’s not working that way.
1. I created a field with id=billing_pastastacija.
2. i pasted this code inside the Options box, in the new field.
<select name="ps-terminal-id" id="ps-terminal-slect" ></select> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://klients.pastastacija.lv/api/terminals.js"></script>
3. i went to wcpgsk-user.js
This is what it looked like:/* * Please paste your custom functions for WooCommerce checkout here * You may use this file to run your own client side validation for the checkout form * Example code to fill a select option: var _postServiceTerminals = [ {id: '1', name: 'Rīga, Pasta Stacija 101, A. Saharova iela 20a (Maxima XX)'},{id: '6', name: 'Rīga, Pasta Stacija 106, āzenes iela 5 (T/C Olimpia)'},{id: '24', name: 'Rīga, Pasta Stacija 124, Brīvības 434b (T/C Juglas Centrs)'},{id: '39', name: 'Rīga, Pasta Stacija 139, Dzirnavu iela 67 (Galleria Riga)'},{id: '2', name: 'Rīga, Pasta Stacija 102, K. Ulma?a gatve 88a (Maxima XXX)'},{id: '42', name: 'Rīga, Pasta Stacija 142, Krasta iela 46 (T/C MOLS)'},{id: '29', name: 'Rīga, Pasta Stacija 129, Mūkusalas iela 95 (T/C IKI)'},{id: '40', name: 'Rīga, Pasta Stacija 140, Rīga, Stacijas laukums 2 (T/C Origo)'},{id: '3', name: 'Rīga, Pasta Stacija 103, Slokas iela 115 (Maxima XXX)'},{id: '7', name: 'Rīga, Pasta Stacija 107, Stirnu iela 26'},{id: '15', name: 'Rīga, Pasta Stacija 115, Tilta iela 32 (Rimi)'},{id: '30', name: 'Aizkraukle, Pasta Stacija 130, Spīdolas iela 17 (T/C SuperNetto)'},{id: '27', name: 'Alūksne, Pasta Stacija 127, Pils iela 9b (t/c Maxima)'},{id: '21', name: 'Bauska, Pasta Stacija 121, Pionieru iela 2 (Rimi)'},{id: '31', name: 'Cēsis, Pasta Stacija 131, Lapsu iela 23 (Mego)'},{id: '17', name: 'Daugavpils, Pasta Stacija 117, Rīgas iela 9 (t/c SOLO)'},{id: '26', name: 'Dobele, Pasta Stacija 126, Muldavas iela 3a (T/C Forums)'},{id: '36', name: 'Gulbene, Pasta Stacija 136, Skolas iela 7 (t/c Maxima X)'},{id: '16', name: 'Jēkabpils, Pasta Stacija 116, Vienības iela 1a, T/C "MEGO"'},{id: '8', name: 'Jelgava, Pasta Stacija 108, Kato?u iela 7, (Kanclera nams)'},{id: '20', name: 'Jūrmala, Pasta Stacija 120, Artilērijas iela 2 (IKI)'},{id: '28', name: '?ekava, Pasta Stacija 128, Rīgas iela 22 (T/C Liiba)'},{id: '22', name: 'Kuldīga, Pasta Stacija 122, Smil?u iela 20 (ELVI)'},{id: '4', name: 'Liepāja, Pasta Stacija 104, K. Zāles laukums 8 (T/C Ostmala)'},{id: '41', name: 'Liepāja, Pasta Stacija 141, Klaipēdas iela 62 (t/c XL Sala)'},{id: '32', name: 'Limba?i, Pasta Stacija 132, Stacijas iela 8 (T/C Maxima XX)'},{id: '25', name: 'Madona, Pasta Stacija 125, Rūpniecības iela 49 (Maxima XX)'},{id: '18', name: 'Ogre, Pasta Stacija 118, Rīgas iela 23 (T/C Dauga)'},{id: '38', name: 'Prei?i, Pasta Stacija 138, Rēzeknes iela 4a (Maxima X)'},{id: '14', name: 'Rēzekne, Pasta Stacija 114, Pulkve?a Brie?a iela 26 (Maxima X)'},{id: '5', name: 'Saldus, Pasta Stacija 105, Stri?u iela 10c (T/C Akvārijs)'},{id: '12', name: 'Sigulda, Pasta Stacija 112, Vidzemes ?oseja 16 (T/C Raibais suns)'},{id: '23', name: 'Talsi, Pasta Stacija 123, Rīgas iela 8 (Maxima XX)'},{id: '19', name: 'Tukums, Pasta Stacija 119, Pasta iela 14 (T/C Rimi)'},{id: '10', name: 'Valka, Pasta Stacija 110, Ausek?a iela 54 (T/C Walk)'},{id: '9', name: 'Valmiera, Pasta Stacija 109, Rīgas iela 4 (T/C Valleta)'},{id: '13', name: 'Ventspils, Pasta Stacija 113, Lielais prospekts 3/5 (T/C Tobago)'} ]; var _postServiceTerminalsSelect = document.getElementById('ps-terminal-slect'); for (var _ps_index = 0; _ps_index < _postServiceTerminals.length; _ps_index++ ) { var _psTerminal = _postServiceTerminals[_ps_index]; var _postServiceOption = document.createElement('option'); _postServiceOption.value = _psTerminal.id; _postServiceOption.text = _psTerminal.name; try { _postServiceTerminalsSelect.add(_postServiceOption, _postServiceTerminalsSelect.options[null]); } catch (e) { _postServiceTerminalsSelect.add(_postServiceOption, null); } } */
4. All of that code was commented out. When i pasted this code under the commented out section, nothing happened. The dropdown just showed the script text.
var _postServiceTerminalsSelect = document.getElementById('billing_pastastacija');
5. Then i un-commented the whole code on step 3, changed the var and removed the script text in field Options, then it showed the list. BUT, it was just a static list from the wcpgsk-user.js file, showing all the addresses from the list there.
How is that dynamic and how would it change if the shipping provider changes their list here?<select name="ps-terminal-id" id="ps-terminal-slect" ></select> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://klients.pastastacija.lv/api/terminals.js"></script>
Second problem.
I need to add a second dropdown list with addresses from a second shipping provider.
I dont have yet any info if they have an API for displaying their address list, but i assume they have it.
So i will need a second dropdown pulling a list from another src.——————————————————————-
Please help me fix this. And be very specific on what exactly i should post and where. I am not very experienced with coding etc.
P.s. So far i love your addon, i just need to make this work and then it would be perfect for my purposes.
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