• Lo?c Levêque


    Hello everybody,

    If you look at the WordPress top menu, you will see, when you put your mouse over “home” for a second, a little layer is showing “Home is where the heart is”.

    The same thing is happening on my website with the dropdown menu, with the name of the page instead of “Home is where the heart is”.

    I would like to control, delete, or change these little layers.

    Can I do that?


    Thank you for helping.

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  • esmi


    Those “little layer” are the title tag attributes on the links. You would need to edit your theme’s template files.

    Thread Starter Lo?c Levêque


    Thank you Esmi,

    I was looking at the template files, and I was wondering if that would not be what I need to change:

    <div id=”header_menu”>
    <ul class=”menu” id=”menu”>

    $options = get_option(‘mc_options’);
    if($options[‘header_menu_type’] == ‘pages’) {
    wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&depth=0&title_li=&exclude=’ . $options[‘exclude_pages’]);
    } else {
    wp_list_categories(‘depth=0&title_li=&exclude=’ . $options[‘exclude_category’]);


    Would it?



    You can’t suppress the title attribute in wp_list_pages. The only other option would be replace it with get_pages and effectively build your own page listing function in PHP.

    Thread Starter Lo?c Levêque


    sounds hell. How on hearth do I do that…

    Can you direct me somewhere I could learn, or just tell me if I could copy some codes somewhere. Not good with php. well, you know that.

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