• Howdy peeps! I can’t get my dropdown menu background opacity to display properly in IE. It looks perfect in Firefox and Chrome (go figure!)…

    Here is the CSS for my dropdown menu:

    [CSS moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please just post a link to your site.]

    Help a brotha out?

    ~ Aedryan

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  • Thread Starter Aedryan Methyus




    Any help you guys can give me on this would be hugely appreciated. This site will be going live within the next couple of days and this is a pretty big issue, as you’ll see if you look at the site in IE.


    ~ Aedryan

    Welcome to the weird world of cross-browser compatibility.

    This article is a little out of date, but it shows what works in various browsers (possibly not current versions).


    Thread Starter Aedryan Methyus


    Thanks, vtxyzzy. I’m not sure how to incorporate that into my existing dropdown menu CSS, though. Any suggestions? Nothing I try seems to make any difference at all in IE… >8>(

    I don’t even need any sort of opacity settings on my dropdown menu. I just need it to have a solid black background. But, I want the style to stay the same as it is now.

    ~ Aedryan

    To use the additional style rules for other browsers, just add them to the place you are using opacity. If a browser does not recognize them, it just ignores them and uses the one it recognizes.

    Thread Starter Aedryan Methyus


    I figured it out… What I ended up doing is just changing:




    It doesn’t have the nice rounded corners in crappy IE, but at least it’s a solid black background. Still looks perfect in Firefox!

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