Hi. In case anyone else needs this, the pathway and instructions are these:
The file that needs to be edited is the “script.js” file in this directory:
“soi” is a variable in the path, so other wordpress installations will have a different value in the path there. Think of it really as /wp-content/themes/FOO/script/. The soi directory is probably a modification of dandelion, as the “dandelion” directory does not reference console.log in it’s script.js file. Consequently I’m not sure how useful this fix will be to other users of the dandelion theme.
if in doubt, you can turn on script debugging in internet explorer, and you’ll see an “object is undefined” type of error pointing to console.log on a particular line of the script.js file. You can see the path there while in debug mode.
the line that needs to be commented out is
// console.log(jQuery(this));
Apparently “console” is only a valid object reference while Internet Explorer’s developer tools are active. This is why the menus work when you’ve activated developer tools by pressing F12.