• Hi there. I can’t quite be sure if this is directly related to the recent update to 3.9.1 or not, but the first time I’ve noticed it is after the update.

    Currently, the plugin is enabled and working for any existing shortcodes on pages / posts, and the plugin is registering any changes I make to it. None of my terms seem to be malfunctioning or missing.

    However, what I have noticed is that the plugin’s dropdown menu in the WYSIWYG editor has disappeared. Disabling / re-enabling the plugin seems to have no effect.

    Any thoughts?


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  • I recently upgraded to WordPress 3.9.1 from version 3.8.1, and I experienced the same issue that rlaflamme describes with WP Glossary

    My guess would be that the method for adding custom buttons to the editor toolbar completely changed when WordPress core upgraded to TinyMCE 4 from TinyMCE 3.

    Hopefully, we will hear something from the plugin author soon.

    I recently upgraded as well and thought I was going crazy when the dropdown box for adding my glossary terms was gone. I have removed, and then reinstalled the plug in but it seems to have no effect. Any thoughts as to when this might be functional again. I love this plug in and that is a key time feature rather than having to hand code.

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