• Hi All
    I am happy to announce that L10N of WordPress for Hindi is complete. I have put up a small demo site at
    There are still some bugs in this. I hope to get help from here in resolving them

    1. 1. Calendar is not working at all. Please see – https://www.ads-software.com/support/6/4652
    2. 2. Horizontal menu in admin interface is not showing up correctly due to bigger default font size in Hindi. Please see – https://www.ads-software.com/support/6/5301
    3. 3. This is the MOST IMPORTANT ONE – I am getting an error when ever I login into admin interface. Please see a screen shot at – https://pnarula.com/files/hindi-post-error.jpg
    4. 4. Certain strings though translated in the po file are still showing in English.

    I have put up a small link for hi.po in the wiki. Since I was unable to copy text containing Hindi chars in wiki. It is pointing to a external link.
    Any help on any of the issues is greatly appreciated.

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  • pankaj, I’m really sorry if I said anything that hurt out, it truly wasn’t my intention. I was more asking questions to the admins, than try to diss your work (which would be a stupid thing to do). I know how long and hard a task it is to translate all those strings, and I can totally understand your enthousiasm for finishing the current file (I know I was ?? ).
    I hope there’s not hard feeling, that wasn’t my point.

    Thread Starter pankaj


    Bonjour Xibe,
    I think I messed again in articulating the right words. No hard feelings at all.
    Please see this also

    I normally don’t care much for site layout – but this one’s really fantastic! Makes me want to try out wordpress at least once, particluarly because, it’s now in à¤1à¤?नà¥?à¤|ी|Hindi, thanks to Pankaj.
    à¤?à¤2à¥?à¤? | Alok

    They expect the user to have a Hindi font installed on the machine

    As opposed to, not having a latin font installed on the machine to view English?
    We take the existence of latin fonts for granted, not because they are not needed, but because they’re always there. The same will happen gradually for unicode encoded devanaagarii fonts.
    Pankaj, there is currently one devanagari font which is available under the GPL – Gargi, please have a look at https://devanaagarii.net .
    Hope to see more of wordpress —
    à¤?à¤2à¥?à¤? | Alok

    xp comes with a hindi font afaik…
    but as amit argued me, not everyone uses XP
    and not everyone select hindi as one of the selected languages.

    As opposed to, not having a latin font installed on the machine to view English?
    Don’t know what you are uptight about but English fonts come pre-installed with the OSes. That’s not the case with Hindi Fonts. So, the situation might improve in future, you can’t bank on a thing that is yet to come. You can’t depend on something that might happen in future.
    So till that revolution comes, you just have to go the way its more reachable to general people. Or if you just want to have a Blog for only those who do have a Hindi font on their PCs, its fine then.

    but as amit argued me, not everyone uses XP
    True. If you are creating a Blog in Hindi, it means that you are aiming at Indians residing in India. And experience tells me that most people still use Win98 in India, though they are upgrading to Win2000 and WinXP gradually, but upgradation frequency is still very low. People are sticking with their Win98, even when Microsoft declared the end of support for Win98, people didn’t care. Who needs Microsoft support, people have local Computer Technicians.
    But then Microsoft took Indian users into consideration. And extended the support for Win98 till Dec’04. After all, India is the biggest market for Microsoft products. ??

    I have one hindi site that is https://purviyasanskriti.org/ but text is not showing in a right way, as characters r getting spaces..plz help me out how can i come out of this..i tried a lot but i fail ..i will be thnkful to u if u people can help

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