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  • One good reason to repeatedly release is that each release temporarily results in a rush of downloads.

    Doing it regularly pretty much ensures a plugin gets into the top 10 (which itself increases downloads). In the case of all-in-one, doing multiple minor releases has secured it a nice permanent position at #1

    This is a SEO pack after all ??



    One good reason to repeatedly release is because users are repeatedly requesting features or bug fixes ??

    You can view the change log anytime, it’s prominently linked from the options page and the page hosted on, and only update when you need it. I’m doing this in my spare time. Often I only have much less than an hour, and there’s only so much you can do in that time. But I release anyway because someone is waiting for it.

    Remember, this plugin is totally free of charge and you don’t have to upgrade anytime I release.

    And why would you expect patience from someone called uberdose?



    Hah, fair dos. Apologies for a snarky sounding message it was meant to be tongue in cheek but I sounded like an ass.

    You should probably be congratulated for getting working releases/updates out that regularly. When I try and roll and update in under an hour I inevitably break something obvious and/or stupid*.

    * may have something to do with alcohol consumption.



    It’s sometime irritating to update a plugin every few days. So erick_paper has some good point there. But it’s up to uberdose to realease new versions as often as he wants, we only update whenever we want.

    I love this plugin ??



    The <title> tags to the main page for my blog does not work. I have submitted a request, however, it might be related to the SEO plug in according to other support requests I have made. I just updated to the latest SEO, but that did not seem to fix the problem. The <title> is working for individual pages just fine. Any help would be appreciated. I love the plug in whether or not it has this minor bug.



    Disregard the above post. I just upgraded SEO, and the problem was fixed. I am pretty sure the problem was related to the upgrade, but am not certain. Thanks for a great plugin.



    SEO isn’t ‘the way’ to get at the top of some kind of lists like ‘Most popular’ or ‘Last updated’…

    SEO means that the search engine understands what kind of page it’s got and what kind of contest is ON the page…

    Although I don’t update on a daily basis, but somewhat less (say once in 14 days), I also think it’s quite a lot… Really would be better if you release less updates… Gives you more time for a new version of the (wonderfull imo) plugin too!



    I considor myself ‘rushed’ if I update anything on my blogs once a month. ??

    Michael Torbert


    WordPress Virtuoso

    This is one of the best plugins. I promote it all the time to people. So what if he releases an upgrade every day. I’ve got a half-dozen plugins with upgrade messages on my plugin screen.
    Just because an upgrade is available, doesn’t mean you need to do it. That’s true for any software or operating system. The only time you should upgrade is if the new version has some sort of functionality you want, a bug is fixed, or a security vulnerability is patched. Other than that, just wait.
    For instance, Microsoft has an update every other day for Windows… but you really don’t need to do it all that often unless it’s a security fix.

    hallsofmontezuma, that’s true. But when you constantly see “new version is available”, you eventually just ignore it. So unless you specifically check the release info each time, you don’t actually know if it’s an important security update or not.

    Microsoft does indeed patch a lot of stuff, but you can set updates to download and install automatically, so you don’t even need to do anything. If the newest SEO All in One pack installed without any intervention, it wouldn’t be a problem. So as much as I hate Microsoft, your comparison is apples and oranges I’m afraid.

    No need for umbrage, I was joking.

    Michael Torbert


    WordPress Virtuoso


    It’s not that much apples to oranges. WordPress 2.5 has a one click upgrade for plugins. Microsoft has updates all the time, most of which are either worthless or are something you actually don’t want. Thusly, automatic upgrades for Windows is more of a nuisance than a convenience. Presumably most or all of the all-in-one upgrades are for something beneficial to the blogger.
    If you choose to just ignore the plugin upgrades after noticing that they’re available so frequency, that’s your choice. Personally, I like to check out my potential updates ones a week, sometimes it doesn’t happen quite that often. As one poster above noted, he likes to do it once a month. It’s a matter of choice. If you choose to ignore it permanently, that’s your choice.
    In my humble opinion, I’d rather have too many upgrades than not enough. It’s frustrating having to wait ages for an important update to be released, and there’s nothing you can do about it. If there are more than you’d like, you may choose how often to upgrade yourself.

    The comparison to Microsoft is a sad one. Who would want to be compared with a software company that is responsible for crappy Software such as Windows (unless you compare bank accounts).
    And releasing a patch daily doesn’t make it good software.

    +1 for erick_paper

    mutube, you hit the nail on the head – getting to be listed #1 in the ‘popular entries’ it may not have to do with SEO per se, but the author found himself a nice mechanism…

    Michael Torbert


    WordPress Virtuoso

    Your logic is flawed. I am not comparing the quality of the software to that of Microsoft.

    For instance, Microsoft has an update every other day for Windows… but you really don’t need to do it all that often unless it’s a security fix.

    My point is that there’s no need complaining about a high frequency of updates. You’re more than welcome to update as often or as infrequently as you like, for instance once/week,once/month, whenever a security update is released, whenever a great new feature you want is released, or never.
    This is what I compared to Microsoft, not the quality of the software or the quality of the organization. I upgrade neither every time an update is available. I do it much less frequently, unless there is an important security patch or feature I want.

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