First off, there is no need to indicate that an issue that you raised is still issue when a new version comes out if that issue was not listed in the changelog of the plugin:
If it says nothing about the issue, then nothing was done in the new version to address that issue.
Now, I see that there are many on here mentioning this issue. In the case of @digihulpdienst , he/she provided a configuration file for their library. Looking in that file, I see that around 30 categories were selected to be displayed by that person’s instance of Link Library. Unless all of the selected categories are all at the same hierarchical level, then this will lead to duplicate categories to be displayed.
When you render a list of link categories, or a list of links, the plugin goes through the list of selected categories and consider them to be top-level categories, then if these categories have children, it goes through these children. Plain and simple.
@slabbi, @khatchad: Did you also select categories from different hierarchical levels in your library configuration?