• We have a site where some orders are going through to PayPal Pro twice. We aren’t able to reproduce the issue, but we can see in the sales log that there are a few orders that are going through two times with the same timestamp.

    Has anyone else experienced this issue? What can we do to stop this from happening. It seems to happen at least once a week. It doesn’t happen all the time but it happens at random.

    The orders are duplicated in the sales log and are being submitted to PayPal Pro twice when this happens.

    We’ve tried replicating it in a variety of browsers, clicking the submit button several times as well as hitting the browser’s “Back” button and going forward. But we haven’t been able to replicate it on demand.


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  • I have a customer with the same issue as above. It has been haunting me for the past week. I can not replicate, but it happens sporadically. When it happens, it can happen once or twice a day, and then sometimes days when it won’t happen.

    Can anyone assist? Any ideas

    We are using
    wordpress 3.9.1
    Wp eCommerce plugin
    Gold cart

    Again any help would be appreciated.. I am afraid to upgrade to 3.8.14 with all the posts about that breaking the cart…


    I think I found the issue here with the duplicate orders. We have another issue that was happening that if you edit the checkout page, then the checkout no longer works, and if you deactivate and reactivate the plugin, it creates a checkout-1, and so on. The work-around/fix for this was just to edit the checkout page, update, then re-edit, removing the shopping cart image, updating, then just adding the [shoppingcart] short code to the page and clicking update.

    We were on checkout-3, and the other pages were in the trash. Anyway, permanently deleted all the checkout-x pages, went back to the original, removed the cart image, updated, added the [shoppingcart] shortcode, and updated. I then deactivated and reactivated the plugin.

    I have not had a duplicate order since.

    If you are having a duplicate order issue or the checkout page issue and need help, post here and I will help


    Well I spoke too soon. We had a few days of no duplicate orders and then last night a duplicate.. There really seems to be no rhyme or reason…


    I a having the same issue on a site. Did anyone find the cause?

    Thread Starter hwproductionco


    We never did find the cause, but we’re migrating the customer over to woocommerce to meet some other needs that they have.

    I have spend numerous hours on this. It originally seemed to coincide with 500 internal errors, but we got rid of that issue and it still happened.

    The only think I can think of now is that when the customer clicks purchase, there is not an immediate response letting them know that it went through so they click again..

    I added some jquerry code to the button to disable it and make it say “Processing…” to offer some feedback to the customer…

    If you need help with that code, let me know..

    I have about had it with wp-ecommerce..


    I would love to have that bit of code mulscully.


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