• Hello,

    I had a problem with your theme, that I did not encounter with other themes I tried (a dozen). On every page, there was a problem with the <title> header.
    On the home page, I had: “<site_name> | <site_description><site_name> | <site_description>”
    And on other pages (like blog post, archives, author page etc.) I had: “<page_name> | <site_name><site_name>” (if I remember correctly, but I’m not sure for this last one)

    I had to go to the template-tags.php file and commment these lines to make it work “like it should” :

    $title .= get_bloginfo( 'name' );
    		$site_description = get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' );
    		if ( $site_description && ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) ) {
    			$title = "$title $sep $site_description";

    This is strange, because it’s the exact same code that is registered as a “wp_title” filter on the default WordPress “twenty fourteen” theme, and I don’t have this duplicate title problem with this theme.
    It seems like another “title formater” function is called when I use your theme although it shouldn’t be, that is NOT called when I use for example Twenty Fourteen.

    I don’t know if the problem can be reproduced. Fyi, I work on a fresh WP installation, with only a few extensions (and _no_ SEO extensions messing with the title header), like Jetpack, Akismet, and other irrelevant ones.

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  • Right, I confirm the problem. But this problem is solved by installing the plugin Yost WordPress SEO.

    Have you updated your WordPress version to 4.1? On the Flat latest version, I have supports auto-generated Title Tags: https://themeshaper.com/2015/01/27/whats-new-in-wordpress-4-1/

    Thread Starter Hexalyse


    @yoarts : Yes, I have the last version of WordPress installed. And the problem was present on the 1.5.1 version of the theme.
    I updated to the 1.5.4 when it came out, but major problem : the menus no longers worked when the screen size was small enough to collapse the menus. So I reversed back to 1.5.2 (the last one on which menus were working).

    I’ll try updating to the latest version.

    I was in my Moz Pro account grading some pages and i’m getting a “Avoid Multiple Title Elements” problem? This problem seems to be happing to several different WordPress themes after the WordPress 4.1.1 update. I’m also us Yoast plugin..help! See the screen shot below:


    I continue to have the problem of sitename-appended-to-site-title on my WordPress installation: https://csectionrecoverycenter.com

    WP version 4.1.1, PHP version 5.4.24, Yoast plugin Installed.

    It is annoying to not have control of this basic SEO function. How can I correct it?

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