• Resolved Garrett Hyder



    I’ve branching this issue from one that was originally attached to this ticket;

    Along with the jQuery issues introduced into the Durus Brad Pagebuilder with WordPress 4.5 there seems to have been some issues with the Underscore.js templates used within Durus as WP updated to Underscore.js 1.8.3 in WP 4.5 as well. This breaks all use of_.template as previously that function accepted the arguments, now that function creates a method object and you have to pass the options after.

    Example from original Brad Pagebuilder;
    this.$img_ul.html(_.template($('#vc-settings-image-block').html(), selection.attributes));

    This breaks giving the error;

    VM5467:6 Uncaught ReferenceError: id is not defined

    Which is because the attributes no longer get passed to the template properly so they’re not defined.

    To fix this issue you can update the code to this format;

    var tmpl = _.template($('#vc-settings-image-block').html());

    Which matches the new Underscore.js 1.8.3 format.

    I’ll go through the Brad Pagebuilder and try and flag all instances that need to be fixed and post them here.


Viewing 10 replies - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
  • Thread Starter Garrett Hyder


    Hey Guys,

    Here’s a full list of changes to get Underscore.js templates to render with WP 4.5+.

    File – Durus/framework/page-builder/js_composer/assets/js/backend/media-editor.js
    Line – 69
    Code – this.$img_ul.html(_.template($('#vc-settings-image-block').html(), selection.attributes));
    Replacement Code;

    var tmpl = _.template($('#vc-settings-image-block').html());

    File – Durus/framework/page-builder/js_composer/assets/js/backend/media-editor.js
    Line – 180
    Code – $thumbnails_string += _.template($('#vc-settings-image-block').html(), image);
    Replacement Code;

    var tmpl = _.template($('#vc-settings-image-block').html());
    $thumbnails_string += tmpl(image);

    File – Durus/framework/page-builder/js_composer/assets/js/backend/composer-view.js
    The html2element code there can be replaced with code from my previous post, here;

    html2element: function(html) {
        var $template, attributes = {},
            template = html;
        $template = $(template(this.model.toJSON()).trim()), _.each($template.get(0).attributes, function(attr) {
            attributes[attr.name] = attr.value
        }), this.$el.attr(attributes).html($template.html()), this.setContent(), this.renderContent()

    And finally there’s two references to _.template in the meta-box plugin under framework within the file-advanced.js and image-advanced.js. Rather than fix those files you can simply download the meta-box plugin and replace the meta-box folder under framework.
    Download – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/meta-box/
    Plugin Website – https://metabox.io/
    *This fix is for the meta-box and not brad pagebuilder, which controls some of the meta fields such as the Testimonials Image uploader which is broken until you replace the meta-box plugin.

    Hopefully this help @anant01 and others fix up their Brad theme to work with WP 4.5+


    Wow, thanks for the fast reply. Glad to get some help for this.

    Does not seem to work – changing existing or new images not possible.

    Thread Starter Garrett Hyder


    Hi @anant01, have you made the changes from this post;

    Try that first and see if there’s any luck.

    Is there anything logged in the javascript console?


    Yes I did all changes before. Java console and Debugger shows a lot of errors.
    Last error within editing image in builder mode shows

    ReferenceError: id is not defined

    @ /load-scripts.php?c=1&load%5B%5D=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-position,wp-pointer,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,jq&load%5B%5D=uery-ui-draggable,jquery-ui-slider,jquery-touch-punch,iris,wp-color-picker,thickbox,heartbeat,autosave,jquery-color,wp-lists,qui&load%5B%5D=cktags,jquery-query,admin-comments,suggest,postbox,tags-box,underscore,word-count,wp-a11y,post,editor-expand,shortcode,backbone,&load%5B%5D=wp-util,wp-backbone,media-models,wp-plupload,mediaelement,wp-mediaelement,media-views,media-editor,media-audiovideo,mce-view,img&load%5B%5D=areaselect,image-edit,svg-painter,wp-auth-check,jquery-ui-resizable,jquery-ui-button,jquery-ui-dialog,jquery-ui-tabs,jquery-ui-d&load%5B%5D=roppable,jquery-ui-accordion,jquery-ui-menu,jquery-ui-autocomplete,editor,wplink,wp-fullscreen-stub,media-upload,wp-embed&ver=942df08512d202e1d96ec4b65688c69a:468

    Thread Starter Garrett Hyder


    Hi @anant01,

    That’s the error you should see before updating the code. Is there any caching or minification plugins in place? You will have to clear your caches, etc. after making changes. And may need to clear your browser cache as well.

    And if all fails post your update to pastbin or zip it up and provide a link to your theme folder so I can take a look at the changes you made.


    checked everything and even switched off super cache and checked wordfence alerting modified data ect…. does not help.
    media-editor file does not match to your sample – there is nothing in line 80 but 147 for the first replacement


    Cannot find this code
    File – Durus/framework/page-builder/js_composer/assets/js/backend/media-editor.js
    Line – 180
    Code – $thumbnails_string += _.template($(‘#vc-settings-image-block’).html(), image);
    Replacement Code;

    var tmpl = _.template($(‘#vc-settings-image-block’).html());
    $thumbnails_string += tmpl(image);

    See my modified file

    /* =========================================================
    * media-editor.js v1.0.0
    * =========================================================
    * Copyright 2013 Wpbakery
    * WP 3.5 Media manager integration into Visual Composer.
    * ========================================================= */
    (function ( $ ) {
    var media = wp.media,
    origFeaturedImageSet = media.featuredImage.set,
    origEditorSendAttachment = media.editor.send.attachment,
    l10n = i18nLocale,
    workflows = {},

    attachmentCompatRender = _.extend( media.view.AttachmentCompat.prototype.render );
    media.view.AttachmentCompat.prototype.render = function () {
    var attachmentId, that = this;
    attachmentId = this.model.get( ‘id’ );
    attachmentCompatRender.call( this );
    _.defer( function () {
    var $container, html, $filter, label, $input;

    $container = that.controller.$el.find( ‘.attachment-info’ );
    $input = that.controller.$el.find( ‘[data-vc-preview-image-filter]’ );

    if ( $container.length && $input.length ) {
    label = $input.parent().find( ‘.vc-filter-label’ ).text();
    html = ‘<label class=”setting vc-image-filter-setting”>’;
    html += ‘<span class=”name”>’ + label + ‘</span>’;
    html += $input[ 0 ].outerHTML;
    html += ‘</label>’;

    $container.before( html );

    $input.parents( ‘tr’ ).remove();

    if ( ‘undefined’ !== typeof(window.vc_selectedFilters) && ‘undefined’ !== typeof(window.vc_selectedFilters[ attachmentId ]) ) {
    $filter = $( ‘.media-frame:visible [data-vc-preview-image-filter=’ + attachmentId + ‘]’ );

    if ( $filter.length ) {
    $filter.val( window.vc_selectedFilters[ attachmentId ] ).change();

    previewFilter( attachmentId );
    } );
    return this;

    * Intercept default gallery setting function and replace with our filtering functionality
    media.editor.send.attachment = function ( props, attachment ) {
    processImages( [ attachment.id ], finishImageProcessing );

    function finishImageProcessing( newAttachment ) {
    var attachment = newAttachment.pop().attributes;

    origEditorSendAttachment( props, attachment )
    .done( function ( html ) {
    media.editor.insert( html );
    } );

    * Intercept default featured image ‘set’ function and replace with our filtering functionality
    media.featuredImage.set = function ( id ) {
    var ids = [ id ];

    if ( – 1 !== id ) {
    $.ajax( {
    type: ‘POST’,
    url: window.ajaxurl,
    data: {
    action: ‘vc_media_editor_add_image’,
    filters: window.vc_selectedFilters,
    ids: ids,
    _vcnonce: window.vcAdminNonce
    } ).done( function ( response ) {
    var newId;
    if ( true === response.success && response.data.ids.length ) {
    newId = response.data.ids.pop();
    origFeaturedImageSet( newId );
    } else {
    origFeaturedImageSet( id );

    } ).fail( function () {
    origFeaturedImageSet( id );
    } );
    } else {
    origFeaturedImageSet( id );

    media.controller.VcSingleImage = media.controller.FeaturedImage.extend( {
    defaults: _.defaults( {
    id: ‘vc_single-image’,
    filterable: ‘uploaded’,
    multiple: false,
    toolbar: ‘vc_single-image’,
    title: l10n.set_image,
    priority: 60,
    syncSelection: false
    }, media.controller.Library.prototype.defaults ),
    updateSelection: function () {
    var selection = this.get( ‘selection’ ),
    ids = media.vc_editor.getData(),
    library = this.get( ‘library’ );

    if ( ‘undefined’ !== typeof(ids) && ” !== ids && – 1 !== ids ) {
    attachments = _.map( ids.toString().split( /,/ ), function ( id ) {
    var attachment = media.model.Attachment.get( id );
    return attachment;
    } );

    selection.reset( attachments );
    } );

    media.controller.VcGallery = media.controller.VcSingleImage.extend( {
    defaults: _.defaults( {
    id: ‘vc_gallery’,
    title: l10n.add_images,
    toolbar: ‘main-insert’,
    filterable: ‘uploaded’,
    library: media.query( { type: ‘image’ } ),
    multiple: ‘add’,
    editable: true,
    priority: 60,
    syncSelection: false
    }, media.controller.Library.prototype.defaults )
    } );

    media.VcSingleImage = {
    getData: function () {
    return this.$hidden_ids.val();
    set: function ( selection ) {
    var tmpl = _.template($(‘#vc-settings-image-block’).html());


    this.$hidden_ids.val( selection.id ).trigger( ‘change’ );

    return false;
    frame: function ( element ) {
    window.vc_selectedFilters = {};

    this.element = element;

    this.$button = $( this.element );
    this.$block = this.$button.closest( ‘.edit_form_line’ );
    this.$hidden_ids = this.$block.find( ‘.gallery_widget_attached_images_ids’ );
    this.$img_ul = this.$block.find( ‘.gallery_widget_attached_images_list’ );
    this.$clear_button = this.$img_ul.next();

    // TODO: Refactor this all params as template

    if ( this._frame ) {
    return this._frame;
    this._frame = media( {
    state: ‘vc_single-image’,
    states: [ new media.controller.VcSingleImage() ]
    } );
    this._frame.on( ‘toolbar:create:vc_single-image’, function ( toolbar ) {
    this.createSelectToolbar( toolbar, {
    text: l10n.set_image,
    close: false
    } );
    }, this._frame );

    this._frame.state( ‘vc_single-image’ ).on( ‘select’, this.select );
    return this._frame;
    select: function () {
    var selection = this.get( ‘selection’ );
    vc.events.trigger( ‘click:media_editor:add_image’, selection, ‘single’ );

    media.view.MediaFrame.VcGallery = media.view.MediaFrame.Post.extend( {
    // Define insert-vc state.
    createStates: function () {
    // Add the default states.
    this.states.add( [
    // Main states.
    new media.controller.VcGallery()
    ] );
    // Removing left menu from manager
    bindHandlers: function () {
    media.view.MediaFrame.Select.prototype.bindHandlers.apply( this, arguments );
    this.on( ‘toolbar:create:main-insert’, this.createToolbar, this );

    var handlers = {
    content: {
    ’embed’: ’embedContent’,
    ‘edit-selection’: ‘editSelectionContent’
    toolbar: {
    ‘main-insert’: ‘mainInsertToolbar’

    _.each( handlers, function ( regionHandlers, region ) {
    _.each( regionHandlers, function ( callback, handler ) {
    this.on( region + ‘:render:’ + handler, this[ callback ], this );
    }, this );
    }, this );
    // Changing main button title
    mainInsertToolbar: function ( view ) {
    var controller = this;

    this.selectionStatusToolbar( view );

    view.set( ‘insert’, {
    style: ‘primary’,
    priority: 80,
    text: l10n.add_images,
    requires: { selection: true },

    click: function () {
    var state = controller.state(),
    selection = state.get( ‘selection’ );

    vc.events.trigger( ‘click:media_editor:add_image’, selection, ‘gallery’ );
    state.trigger( ‘insert’, selection ).reset();
    } );
    } );
    media.vc_editor = _.clone( media.editor );
    _.extend( media.vc_editor, {
    $vc_editor_element: null,
    getData: function () {
    var $button = media.vc_editor.$vc_editor_element,
    $block = $button.closest( ‘.edit_form_line’ ),
    $hidden_ids = $block.find( ‘.gallery_widget_attached_images_ids’ );
    return $hidden_ids.val();
    insert: function ( images ) {
    var $button = media.vc_editor.$vc_editor_element,
    $block = $button.closest( ‘.edit_form_line’ ),
    $hidden_ids = $block.find( ‘.gallery_widget_attached_images_ids’ ),
    $img_ul = $block.find( ‘.gallery_widget_attached_images_list’ ),
    $thumbnails_string = ”;

    _.each( images, function ( image ) {
    var tmpl = _.template($(‘#vc-settings-image-block’).html());
    $thumbnails_string += tmpl(image);
    } );

    $hidden_ids.val( _.map( images, function ( image ) {
    return image.id;
    } ).join( ‘,’ ) ).trigger( ‘change’ );
    $img_ul.html( $thumbnails_string );
    open: function ( id ) {
    var workflow;

    id = this.id( id );

    workflow = this.get( id );

    // Initialize the editor’s workflow if we haven’t yet.
    if ( ! workflow ) {
    workflow = this.add( id );

    window.vc_selectedFilters = {};

    return workflow.open();
    add: function ( id, options ) {
    var workflow = this.get( id );

    if ( workflow ) {
    return workflow;

    if ( workflows[ id ] ) {
    return workflows[ id ];

    workflow = workflows[ id ] = new media.view.MediaFrame.VcGallery( _.defaults( options || {}, {
    state: ‘vc_gallery’,
    title: l10n.add_images,
    library: { type: ‘image’ },
    multiple: true
    } ) );

    return workflow;
    init: function () {
    $( ‘body’ ).unbind( ‘click.vcGalleryWidget’ ).on( ‘click.vcGalleryWidget’,
    function ( event ) {
    var $this = $( this ),
    editor = ‘visual-composer’;
    media.vc_editor.$vc_editor_element = $( this );
    if ( ‘true’ === $this.attr( ‘use-single’ ) ) {
    media.VcSingleImage.frame( this ).open( ‘vc_editor’ );
    media.vc_editor.open( editor );
    } );
    } );
    _.bindAll( media.vc_editor, ‘open’ );

    $( document ).ready( function () {
    } );

    * Process specified images and call callback
    * @param ids array of int ids
    * @param callback Processed attachments are passed as first and only argument
    * @return void
    function processImages( ids, callback ) {

    $.ajax( {
    dataType: “json”,
    type: ‘POST’,
    url: window.ajaxurl,
    data: {
    action: ‘vc_media_editor_add_image’,
    filters: window.vc_selectedFilters,
    ids: ids,
    vc_inline: true,
    _vcnonce: window.vcAdminNonce
    } ).done( function ( response ) {
    var attachments, attachment, promises, i;

    if ( ‘function’ !== typeof(callback) ) {

    attachments = [];
    promises = [];

    for ( i = 0;
    i < response.data.ids.length;
    i ++ ) {

    attachment = media.model.Attachment.get( response.data.ids[ i ] );
    promises.push( attachment.fetch() );
    attachments.push( attachment );

    $.when.apply( $, promises ).done( function () {
    callback( attachments );
    } );
    } ).fail( function ( response ) {
    $( ‘.media-modal-close’ ).click();

    window.vc && window.vc.active_panel && window.i18nLocale && window.i18nLocale.error_while_saving_image_filtered && vc.active_panel.showMessage( window.i18nLocale.error_while_saving_image_filtered,
    ‘error’ );
    window.console && window.console.error && window.console.error( response );
    } ).always( function () {
    $( ‘.media-modal’ ).removeClass( ‘processing-media’ );
    } );

    vc.events.on( ‘click:media_editor:add_image’, function ( selection, type ) {
    var ids;

    ids = [];

    $( ‘.media-modal’ ).addClass( ‘processing-media’ );

    selection.each( function ( model ) {
    ids.push( model.get( ‘id’ ) );
    } );

    processImages( ids, finishImageProcessing );

    function finishImageProcessing( newAttachments ) {
    var attachments,

    attachments = _.map( newAttachments, function ( newAttachment ) {
    return newAttachment.attributes;
    } );

    selection.reset( attachments );

    objects = _.map( selection.models, function ( model ) {
    return model.attributes;
    } );

    if ( ‘undefined’ === typeof(type) ) {
    type = ”;

    switch ( type ) {
    case ‘gallery’:
    media.vc_editor.insert( objects );

    case ‘single’:
    media.VcSingleImage.set( objects[ 0 ] );

    $( ‘.media-modal’ ).removeClass( ‘processing-media’ );
    $( ‘.media-modal-close’ ).click();
    } );

    * Trigger preview when filter dropdown is changed
    $( ‘body’ ).on( ‘change’, ‘[data-vc-preview-image-filter]’, function () {
    var id;
    id = $( this ).data( ‘vcPreviewImageFilter’ );
    if ( ‘undefined’ === typeof(window.vc_selectedFilters) ) {
    window.vc_selectedFilters = {};
    window.vc_selectedFilters[ id ] = $( this ).val();
    previewFilter( id );
    } );

    * Fetch and display filter preview
    * Original image src is backuped so preview can be removed
    * @param attachmentId
    function previewFilter( attachmentId ) {
    var $previewContainer, $preview, $filter;

    $filter = $( ‘.media-frame:visible [data-vc-preview-image-filter=’ + attachmentId + ‘]’ );

    if ( ! $filter.length ) {

    $previewContainer = $( ‘.media-frame:visible .attachment-info .thumbnail-image’ ).eq( – 1 );
    $preview = $previewContainer.find( ‘img’ );

    $previewContainer.addClass( ‘loading’ );

    if ( ! $preview.data( ‘original-src’ ) ) {
    $preview.data( ‘original-src’, $preview.attr( ‘src’ ) );

    if ( ! $filter.val().length ) {
    $preview.attr( ‘src’, $preview.data( ‘original-src’ ) );
    $previewContainer.removeClass( ‘loading’ );

    $.ajax( {
    type: ‘POST’,
    dataType: ‘json’,
    url: window.ajaxurl,
    data: {
    action: ‘vc_media_editor_preview_image’,
    filter: $filter.val(),
    attachment_id: attachmentId,
    preferred_size: window.getUserSetting( ‘imgsize’, ‘medium’ ),
    _vcnonce: window.vcAdminNonce
    } ).done( function ( response ) {
    if ( ! response.success || ! response.data.src.length ) {

    $preview.attr( ‘src’, response.data.src );
    } ).fail( function ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
    window.console && window.console.error && window.console.error( ‘Filter preview failed:’,
    errorThrown );
    } ).always( function () {
    $previewContainer.removeClass( ‘loading’ );
    } );

    ( jQuery ));

    O.K. found original files from backup and used them, now it worked with your settings.

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter Garrett Hyder


    Awesome @anant01, glad to hear everything is working now.
    Tip for future support – You’ll want to use a service like pastebin for your large code blocks, keeps things a bit tidier and easier to work with.

    You are right,

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