Hi @mariovisie,
Thanks for your feedback. I have re-read my own answer, and we have instead changed the code for pluralization text, and we have released a new version 1.0.4. Please update the plugin and check.
Regarding the second issue about formal and informal language, for example: use for YOU
You can export the normal dutch, then import it into the formal version – and then change the texts that are different. If you look at the page with all the languages, you will see that for dutch, there are 3 different languages. Look at:
There is: “Dutch” + “Dutch (Belgium)” + “Dutch → Dutch (Formal)”
1. Click “Dutch”, then at the bottom click “Export”, and export your dutch translation to a .po file.
2. Then click into the formal version, and use the import link at the bottom.
3. Finally, edit the fields that needs to be changed for formal language.
Automatic translations need 2 more things to work:
1. You have only translated the texts, but WordPress will not generate the language files for the websites, before you have also translated most of the readme. See: https://translate.www.ads-software.com/locale/nl/default/wp-plugins/add-on-woocommerce-mailpoet
“Development (trunk)” have 0% translated and 49 texts waiting for approval.
“Development Readme (trunk)” have 0% translated and 0 texts waiting for approval.
Click the readme and also translate all the texts here.
2. A translation editor for the specific language, needs to approve the translations for our plugin. And currently there are no approved translation editors for dutch for our plugin.
You may be the first dutch editor ??
Only the WordPress polyglots team can approve translation editors for plugins – you can request to become translation editor for dutch, by making a request on https://make.www.ads-software.com/polyglots/ – you can see examples by scrolling down on that forum/page. Here is what we suggest you write:
—beginning of forum post—
Hello Polyglots, I have added translations for Add-on WooCommerce – MailPoet 3 and would like to become the translation editor for my language.
Please add my www.ads-software.com user as Project Translation Editor (PTE) for the respective locales:
o #nl – @mariovisie
o #nl_BE – @mariovisie
o #nl/formal – @mariovisie
If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!
—end of forum post—
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by