• Resolved WimScholtes



    Since a few days I use this great theme and made a Dutch translation for it. I made an upload to GitHub (first time ever so I hope it went ok) and believe it is waiting for a “pull” by Axel.

    Thanks a lot for the awesome theme!!


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  • Great stuff Wim!

    Added here.


    Thread Starter WimScholtes


    No thanks needed, you are doing all the hard theme coding stuff, I am just a user ?? .


    how do i get the dutch tranlation in to the theme ?
    i use the child version of it.

    thanks adriaan

    Thread Starter WimScholtes



    Create a “languages” directory in your child theme directory and place the .mo and the .po file in there. If you created your child theme the right way, it will work. If not, you can place the .po and .mo files in the “languages” directory in the hueman theme itself, but that is not the proper way to do it ??


    hallo Wim,

    dank je wel voor je reactie ik schrijf het maar in het nederlands dat gaat mij beter af.
    ik begrijp wat je schrijft
    alleen zie ik op de site van alex waar ik naar toe ga zoals hier boven beschreven (added hier) alleen .po file en geen .mo file
    ook is het mij niet duidelijk hoe ik die twee bestanden vanaf die plek kan downloaden.
    maar dat kan jij mij ongetwijfeld uitleggen

    bijvoorbaat mijn grote dank

    Thread Starter WimScholtes



    The .po file is a user readible en writable file which contains the translations. With a program like PoEdit (https://www.poedit.net) you can open the .po file and save it as a .mo file. The .mo file is not readible for us humans, but can be read by the computer and in this case by WordPress.

    If you provide your email adres, I can mail the Dutch .mo file to you (but offcourse it is much more fun to do it yourself ;-).


    Dutch translation:

    Het .po bestand is een voor ons leesbaar en bewerkbaar bestand waar de vertalingen in staan. Met een programma als PoEdit (c) kan je het .po bestand openen en een .mo bestand wegschrijven. Het .mo bestand is niet voor ons leesbaar maar wel voor de computer cq WordPress.

    Je kan het .mo bestand op die manier dus aanmaken. Als je een email adres geeft, wil ik het je ook wel toesturen (maar dat is natuurlijk minder leuk dan het zelf doen ;-).


    I’m sorry but these are English language community forums, so please use English or provide an English translation. Alternatively, use a WP support forum in your language.

    Thread Starter WimScholtes


    I’m sorry. Added the English translation (although it now looks like I added a Dutch translation to an English text ;-).


    sorry for my mistake oke in english now

    hello Wim the adres is [email protected]
    its a great fun to do it bij myself but i’am having a time problem so please send my the files

    thanks adriaan.

    sorry for my mistake oke in english now

    hello Wim the adres is [email protected]
    its a great fun to do it bij myself but i’am having a time problem so please send my the files

    thanks adriaan.



    Hello Wim,

    First of all, great work that you have translated the great Hueman theme.

    I’ve tried to open the nl_NL.po file provided but my PO edit gives an error opening the file saying it might be a corrupt file or in a format that cannot be opened by PO edit.

    Can you help out as to how to open the .po file to generate the .mo ?

    Thanks in advance.
    Greetings Machiel

    Thread Starter WimScholtes


    Hi Machiel,

    When you visit the languages page (https://github.com/AlxMedia/hueman-languages) you see a button on the right with the text: download zip. If I hit that button, a zip file is downloaded with all the language files available, including the nl_NL.po file. I work on a iMac and I’m using PoEdit version 1.6.4 and when I open this file, PoEdit opens without any problems.

    Is this the way you downloaded the language file? If so, you can try again and maybe it will help? Otherwise I don’t know what the problem could be.




    Hi Wim,

    Thanks for your reply! I downloaded the file from the list and not the zip. Downloading the zip and opening from there worked for me!

    Thanks again. Machiel

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