• Resolved darkidk



    Is there any dynamic data i can use in sportspress.

    I would like to show matches in leagues and seasons in menu like this

    —> dynamic data from 2022 in a page where each match have its own page!

    Is that possible with out any code?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Savvas


    Hi there @darkidk ,

    The dynamic data for the events of Season 2022 can be a Calendar with either list or block template. Just create a Calendar and filter for League: league and Season: 2022
    Then you can add all your calendar with the corresponding name below your seasons submenu.


    Thread Starter darkidk


    Hi Savas.

    I would like to have the dynamic data shown like this.

    Match page
    ————— ————– —————
    |Title | |Title | |Title |
    |Feature image | |Feature image| |Feature image |
    | Match 1 | | Match 2 | | Match 3 |
    ————– ————– —————-

    When i try to fetch a specific match title from sp_event nothing happens.
    The same with the feature image, the image is set in the match.

    Is it not possible to get a specific match?


    Thread Starter darkidk


    Hi Savas.

    Until i can find a solution for how to fecth the dynamic content!, i am using shortcodes. Not the optimal solution.




    Hi there!

    I’m not sure if I get what you mean.

    If you are creating/using a custom theme, then you’ll need to use the WP functions to load dynamic data.

    In general, you can use shortcodes or the dynamic pages (such as the taxonomy pages for a competition/calendar), but if you want a custom design, you need to create the template files:


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