Hello Steve and congrats on a great plugin,
in reply to this:
“Can I suggest you now contact the Mystile theme developer and ask him to test the gallery with his theme for the IE9 Issue. Ask him to either fix the theme or give you the code that needs to be added to their theme to fix the issue. If the theme dev will do this can you please post the outcome here? That is either the issue is fixed or the code users have to add to the theme to solve the issue. Thank you”
Unfortunately regarding this issue it seems that Mystile theme (a free Woo themes theme compatible with Woocommerce) presents an incompatibility with Dynamic Gallery LITE and IE9. After contacting Woo Ninjas I got this response:
“Regrettably I cannot provide support regarding 3rd party plugin issue I’m afraid as this would not be covered under our support policy and you will have to contact the author of this 3rd party plugin for assistance with this issue with it.”
Since I have just finished developing a site with Mystile and still want to use this awesome plugin’s functionality (since unfortunately most of the users use IE9); I am kind in a dead end here.
Would the paid version of Dynamic Gallery offer a solution to this or can you provide any other advice?
Since Woo themes provide a bunch of free themes (Mystile being one of them) it would be really nice to make Dynamic Gallery also work on those free themes; correct me if I’m wrong but Canvas theme is not a free one (just making an observation here!)
Counting on your help!