• We would like to apply the dynamic pricing to the base price only, excluding the price generated from the options in the gravity forms add-on. Is this possible? To be clear, our current setup is like this:
    We sell graphic assets in our site. For example, for a business card design, the base prices are decided per user role.
    Starter: $60
    Pro/Expert: $40 ($60-33%)
    We achieved the above using the Dynamic Pricing Extension (applying 33% discount to all products for Pro/Expert)

    However, we also have the Gravity Forms Product add-on enabled for the various specifications needed for the design. There is a field where the customer inputs the number of versions they need. Per additional version, the added price is also decided per user role.
    Starter: $24 per additional version
    Pro/Expert: $16 per additional version
    We have managed to identify the user role of the logged in user to show the appropriate pricing from the gravity forms using hooks and parameters.

    Now the problem lies in the Dynamic Pricing + Gravity Form pricing.
    If a Pro member logs in, he will see the $40 discounted price, however, when he adds 1 additional version (+$16), the 33% was also applied to it.

    The calculation goes like this: ($60 + $16) – 33% = total price
    We want this calculation: ($60 – 33%) + $16 = total price
    Is this possible?

    Thanks in advance for the help. I hope I make much sense.


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